2023 Update: The U.S. Pharmacy that Diet Doc uses has a special stabilizer they use & process for compounding their HCG so that they can ship you PRE-MIXED HCG so that it will maintain it’s potency, even though it’s already mixed, for up to 6 months in the fridge un-used, and 28 days once mixed. Check out buying pre-mixed HCG Injections here.
If you have a 10,000iu vial of hCG to mix for the hCG diet, we will have a special video and post on this soon- for now, you can follow the tutorial for the 5,000iu vials EXCEPT for one difference:
You will mix 10ml’s of mixing solution/bacteriostatic water into your 10,000iu hCG vial (instead of 5ml’s) –
This keeps your RATIO of hCG to liquid the same, which means all the other things like what number on the syringes equal what particular hCG dosage will all still be the same.
The above is my most updated video on mixing hCG injections.
Please note: These instructions are for how to mix hCG injections from 5000iu vials from U.S sources like those listed on my blog, for use with the following standard sized syringes that are typically sent with hCG:
- 30 unit syringe = .3 ml/cc
- 50 units syringe = .5 ml/cc
- 100 unit syringe = 1 ml/cc

How to mix HCG for HCG Injections: 5000iu
If you have not already purchased hCG, you can check out my HCG Injections page and compare the three companies I currently feel comfortable recommending- all 3 sources are real, unmixed, pharmaceutical hCG – not homeopathic or amino acids, and not premixed. If you choose to buy through me, I do get a small commission at no extra cost to you. You totally ROCK if you go through me so thanks!!
Supplies for mixing 1 vial of 5,000IU hCG:
(lasts approx. 3-4 weeks)
These supplies will come WITH the hCG injections kit you purchase from the online hCG providers in the U.S.
1. 5,000iu vial of hCG- will be either a powder or a tablet.
Note A: If you get just hCG, the powder will be white. If you get the hCG with B12, the powder will be pink).
Note B: if you bought a “longer” kit – like 40-50 days type kit, you will receive 2 vials of hCG- don’t mix the 2nd vial till the 2nd half of the round. If you bought the “shorter” kit – 20-25 days kit, you only have 1 vial of hCG).
2. Mixing Syringe – yeah that HUGE one.
3. Vial of Mixing liquid – there are couple different types of mixing liquid you might get:
- A. A glass vial of clear mixing liquid
- B. A glass vial of pink mixing liquid – it will be pink if it contains B12
- C. A plastic bottle that says “bacteriostatic water”
ANY of these 3 is fine as your mixing liquid. It just depends on how the hCG company sends it.
4. Rubbing Alcohol Swabs
How to Mix your hCG solution
1. Swab the tops of all bottles with alcohol. 2. Using your mixing syringe, pull out 5mls of your mixing solution and insert into your bottle of powdered hcg. Swirl gently until the hCG is completely dissolved. 4. Done!
You should now have a vial that contains 5,000IU of hcg + 5ml of bacteriostatic water.
Here’s a slightly more detailed description of the mixing:
- Wash hands, clean surface area.
- Twist the tip of the mixing needle on the syringe clockwise to make sure it’s tight. Then, twist off the safety cap from the mixing needle when you’re ready to mix.
- Snap off plastic caps from the one hCG vial and the vial of mixing liquid
- Clean off the top of each bottle with an alcohol swab
- Draw up 5 ml’s of AIR into your mixing syringe first. Insert this into your mixing vial and push the air into the vial.
- Hold the vial of mixing liquid upside down. While still holding it upside down, pull out 5ml of liquid. If you get a large bubble, just push the liquid back in the vial and try again. It may feel a bit hard to pull the liquid out because you will feel a sort of vacuum-like pressure pulling against you – this is what injecting air into the vial first helps compensate for- you’ll be fine, just keep hold of the plunger and keep pulling it downwards slowly.
- Once you have 5ml of mixing liquid in the syringe, pull the vial of mixing liquid off the needle.
- Insert the 5ml of mixing liquid into your vial of powdered hormone.
- Swirl to make sure all the powder dissolves into the liquid. Don’t shake.
- Cover vial with some foil and keep in the fridge at all times.
Storing your mixed hCG
Wrap the mixed hCG vial with foil to keep out light. – Store in the refrigerator at all times- remove only to draw out daily injections.
Note: If you accidentally leave the hormone out of the fridge overnight, the potency may have dropped significantly while being left out. When in doubt, re-mix a new solution with new hCG.
What Dose of Daily hCG Injection Should You Take?
Most people will take anywhere between 125-200IU’s with each dose/injection (1x per day). Find your dose for no/limited hunger: Most people start with 150IU’s per dose, but 125iu works well for a large majority lately I’ve noticed, and doses of 175iu and 200iu are sometimes needed. The differences have to do with the hCG vial to begin with (legal parameters for active ingredient in compounded hCG has a WINDOW – I don’t know exactly what it is but it’s something like 90-120% – remember these batches of hCG are compounded by hand so there is a little wiggle room – so say if you get a vial of hCG that actually has more than 100% active ingredients – say 5,300iu of hCG in a 5,000iu vial of hCG, in this case, you might need a lower dose than normal), the current level of potency of your mixture (as it gradually degrades over the weeks once you’ve mixed it), and your own body and its metabolism.
Please see my very detailed post to help you find the right dose of hCG here.
Finding your dose on the syringe
A full more detailed post on finding your hCG dose on the syringe with VIDEO here!If you have mixed the hormone as I outlined here, the following doses can be found on your insulin syringe in this way: 10 units = 100 iu
12.5 units = 125iu 15 units= 150 iu 17.5 units= 175 iu 20 units= 200 iu 22 units = 220 iu 25 units = 250 iu etc.- see the pattern? The numbers match up with the dose amount, making it easy to adjust your dose as needed without remixing a new batch of hCG. Basically, you just move the decimal over one place to the right, and you can then know what that dose equates to. IF you mixed in a different ratio (ie NOT 5ml’s to 5000iu hCG, then these numbers do NOT apply).
TIP: If you are having trouble finding a good dose you feel little/no hunger with. Skip a dose entirely one day- if you find yourself more hungry overall, you most likely need to increase your dose. If you find yourself less hungry overall, you most likely need a smaller dose.
How To DO Your hCG Injection
I have since created several video tutorials showing you how to do an injection! (to be done once in the morning daily)
- Swab the injection site with alcohol. It can be in your belly somewhere (at least an inch or so away from your belly button) or alternatively, your upper thigh. Swab the top of the bottle with alcohol as well.
- Take one injection syringe out and remove the safety cap. Stick the needle into the bottle of hCG and then turn the bottle upside down then slowly draw out your designated dose (12.5 units= 125iu, 15 units= 150iu, 17.5 units= 175iu, 20 units= 200iu).
- Remove the needle from the bottle. Pinch the injection site just a little bit and stick the needle straight in (not at an angle). You will feel either nothing (if you have a good amount of fat there) or just the slightest twinge (if you don’t have a lot of fat left).
- Slowly inject the full dose. Remove the syringe, put the safety cap back on. Dispose of the syringe ideally in a designated container- like a Sharps Container.
Tip 1:
Occasionally, you will probably get a little bruising if you stuck the needle in slightly funky. This is infrequent and it’s really not a big deal.
Tip 2:
Change up the injection sites- switch from one side of the belly to the other each day, etc. See my full post on various suitable spots to inject hCG.
Where to Purchase Mixing Supplies
If for some reason you find you don’t have everything you need to mix your hCG or you got your hCG from other places, you can buy mixing supplies (but not the hCG itself) ala carte at Missourimedicalsupplies.com
Most find it easier to just buy the hCG and mixing supplies all as one kit from the online U.S. providers. The final mix of the hormone will be a solution containing: 5,000IU of hcg + 5ml of bacteriostatic water.
Mixing hCG Injections When You Have the Odd-Sized Syringes
This is applicable ONLY to individuals who may have purchased hCG and dosing syringes from overseas- very uncommon nowadays, but just in case: So if you happen to get the weird syringes where it says 40 units = 1 ml/cc, you will mix and dose your injections in a 2:1 ratio instead of a 1:1 ratio.
- Mix 10 ml’s of bacteriostatic water with 5000iu hCG
Finding hCG Dose for Odd Sized Syringes
If you mix in a 2:1 ratio, the following hCG dosages apply (JUST for the 40 unit = 1 ml/cc syringes):
- 125ius hCG dose = 10 units
- 150 ius dose = 12 units
- 175 ius dose = 14 units
- 200 ius dose = 16 units
- 225 ius dose = 18 units
- 250 ius dose = 20 units
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Yup, I want this!
Hello rachel,
First of all thank you for all the information!!
Im from germany and reading your blog.
I really hope u can give me advise out of your experience.
I got the hcg inection from a weightloss clinic its real hcg i have tested it with a pregnancy test.
They gave me 2 ml injections and prescribed me to inject daily 0,5 ml .
This is my 6 day and im feeling terrible I can not sleep or thing clearly.
All day long i fell bad.
They wont tell me which dose im taking.
Since of the information you are giving im on a to hight or to low dose of hcg.
I just dont know i already skipped days and felt still bad.
I am thankful for any advice u can give me.
Kind regards
Hi Elena!
This helphub post might help you out: https://hcgchicahelphub.com/how-do-i-adjust-my-hcg-dosage-if-i-dont-know-how-it-was-mixed/
I think I Messed up. I pulled 10ml of bacteria static water and mixed it in 6 ml hcg. What do I do? Can I still use it? If so what a amount do I draw up.
Hi Kathy
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
This article here might be able to help you: https://hcgchicahelphub.com/mixed-my-hcg-for-diet-differently-in-non-standard-way-dont-know-how-to-find-my-dose/
Is it always a 1:1 mix? I have a 12,000 unit vial of HCG from my doctor. The medical assistant told me to mix 6ml of HCG with the HCG. It stumped me because it was half of what it should be. Does it make a difference?
Hi Mark,
That can still work but you’ll just be injecting a smaller amount of liquid to get the same dose of hCG. For example, if you want to inject 150iu, instead of filling the syringe to the 15 mark, you’ll fill it up to the 7.5 mark to get the same 150iu.
Here’s a blog post with visual that might help. http://vocmwdmt.top/find-hcg-injection-dose-syringe/
This blog post has the 1:1 and 2:1 mixing ratio for sample, so you’re is more like 0.5:1
I hope that helps somehow.
After mixing my HCG, I have leftover (like half a bottle) of mixing solution- with B12. Is that normal? Can I keep it and reuse if I do another round? Thanks!
Hi Eliza,
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
It’s normal to have some remaining hCG after a round especially when you are on a lower dose but we wouldn’t recommend using it for another round because the potency of it would’ve dropped.
Hope that helps!
Hi. I usually mix a 1:1 ratio and use a 25u dose. This time I mixed a 2:1 and when I tried my usual dose I have been very hungry. My needles are 100u/1cc. What should my dosage be? Thank you.
Hi Bridget,
If you’re using 250iu then to get that same dose you will fill the syringe to the 50 mark.
I hope that helps!
I have a vial of HCG that is 11,000u. My Bac Water is 30mLs. How much do I mix it with and how do I figure my dose? I have 50 unit syringes (0.5mL).
Hi Tina!
This is Lucelle, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
You can mix with 11ml of bac water to get a ratio of 1:1. Here’s how to find your dose on a syringe: https://vocmwdmt.top/find-hcg-injection-dose-syringe/
Hope that helps!
Hi I have 5000 I.U of white powder which comes with 1ml ampoule of sodium chloride injection BP.
Please advice on mixture
Hi Missy- you will need to buy some mixing solution separately – the 1ml that came with it is for using that ampoule as 1 single shot – it will not work for the hCG diet- you can go to missourimedicalsupplies.com to buy bacteriostatic water by itself to mix with following the directions in this post- I hope that helps! the 1ml is too small an amount of solution to be able to take a daily dose from.
Hi hcg Chica, I received my hcg 5000iu dry vial. When mixing it last night I accidentally nixed with 6,000 BW rather than 5000. Ok. I just want to make sure about my calculated daily dosage. I’m going to need to modify my daily dosage amount. I’m doing 27 days. Ive already done 13 days of drops. I have come up with 222iu per day Sound right ? I haven’t had to calculate dosages in forever. I know the max u are allowed to take is 200 but that’s based on 5000 not 6000
Hi Melanie,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. You actually modify your dosage based on your hunger. Rayzel discusses that here: https://vocmwdmt.top/hcg-dosage-how-should-feel-on-the-hcg-diet-when-you-are-on-the-right-dose/
Help!! I just mixed my HCG and I cannot find anywhere how to store the unused Cyanocobalamin liquid after it’s been opened. Does it also need to be stored in the fridge since it has been mixed with b12??
Hi Christy,
It should be fine in room temperature away from heat & sunlight. But of course, keeping it in the fridge wouldn’t hurt and would be perfect, too! Hope that helps!
-Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
Hi. Hope you can help me to figure out.hcg diet is not very popular in my country and acctualy only 1clinic offers it for really a lot of money ( like 600€ per 24 day course while the hcg bail cost €18) . So bought the hcg and water myself and I mixed 5000iu of hcg vial with 10 ml of bactericide water. So I started to inject amount which on insulin syringe shown like 25( in one of your explaining video you have those syringe). Is that correct? As well I want to mention that I found it a little painful while injection the dose in the body( not niddling part). Is it normal?
Thanks in advance
Hi Irada!
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you!
If your dose is 125iu, that’s correct. Some people do feel the pain of the needle but most people don’t. It would be best to inject on the “fatty” parts so it won’t hurt. Here’s the post on that: http://vocmwdmt.top/injection-sites-for-hcg-where-to-inject/
Hope that helps!
Tһese are truly great іdeas in concerning blogging.
You һave touched some pleasant factors here. Any waу
keep up wrintіng.
I have a 10,000 iu tablet of HCG in a vial, and 25 ml of bacterio static water.
I also have the weird 40 cc syringes.
Can you please tell me how to mix this?
I did it wrong the last time I mixed it and it was a terrible experience.
I was starving the whole time and totally spacey and dizzy.
Hi Rae,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. It would be easier if you will only mix the 10ml of bac water with the 10,000iu of hCG.
If you have 10,000ius in a vial mixed with 10ml of bac water/solution, that would mean that for EVERY ml, you have 1000iu.
10,000(iu) divide it by 10(ml) = 1000iu/ml
And to find your dosage on the 40 unit syringe, Rayzel has this guide here which you can also find on her blog post with this link:http://vocmwdmt.top/finding-your-hcg-diet-dose-with-a-40-unit-1-mlcc-syringe/
Since your ratio is exactly double at 10ml/10,000iu hCG, you can use the same graph/table information on the image for dosing accurately. (If you’ll notice it states below that it is for 5ml with 5000iu – your ratio is just double of this)
Hope that helps!
I have a bottle or bacteriosttic water that is 30 ml and a bottle of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin that is 11 IU. How do I mix those together?
Hi David,
Do you mean 11,000iu? 11iu seems to be very little and not even equivalent to a single daily dose
I accidentally mixed 12.5 CCs of BAC water with 5000 hcg. I’m having such a hard time figuring out what the dose should be… please help. Thank you!!!
Hello Isabel,
If you mix 12.5ml of bac water to 5000iu that would mean you are getting 400iu per 1ML (5000/12.5 = 400). So if your dose is 200iu for example, you need to inject 1/2ml (500units). if 150iu, you would need to inject about 384 units.
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
Im found HCG for second time. I did the first round last year. Tthis time I bought 6,000 in a compound pharmacy. The calculation said to dissolve with 6 cc of bacteriostatic water and inyect 15 units per day. I’m doing the 24 days.
I have been on it now for a whole week and lost only two pounds which make me wonder if I’m getting the right amount of HCG. Last year I did lost 7 pounds by day seven. Any suggestions?
Hi Wally,
We are doing our best to explain that the hCG hormone is not what is causing weight loss in the first place- its 2 important roles is to change the sensation of hunger and to preserve lean muscle while favoring fat loss during the weight loss process. With that, we can say that even someone eating a 500 calorie diet with no hCG at all, if their body was functioning normally, would lose the same amount of weight as anyone on hCG. HCG typically makes that process happen in a healthier way though by preventing muscle loss and making the diet DOABLE for people by changing hunger.
That being said, the amount of weight you lose is not really dependent on the hCG dose (if you’re feeling hungry then that would mean your dose is off). The weight loss is brought about by the calorie deficit that happens while doing the diet. One thing you can look at would be the food you’re eating this time and the amount of calories you consume. Also, not all rounds are created equal! People who have more weight to lose loses faster.
Hope that helps somehow!
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
Hello. I purchased a 5000u vial and was instructed to dilute with 5cc BS water. To take 175 units per day.
This dose makes me shakes, headaches.. i am very sensitive to most meds. Would it be ok to play with dose, like 12.5 to start? I just finished loading and today starts the low calorie part.. Thank you!
Hi Sandra,
Yes, it’s okay to start at 125iu. You can check out Rayzel’s dosing post here: https://vocmwdmt.top/dosage
Hi, I need a little help with math here.
I have a bottle of 5000 iu
My bac water bottle was only 2ml, which I added to the powdered hcg.
How many units do I need to take to be injecting 150 iu a day?
Thank you!
Also, I live in rural montana. I cant find any bac water in town, so for now, that is all I’ve got for each bottle in regards to mixing.
I injected 6 units today, but am not sure that is right. Please help!
Hi Becca!
This is Cristel, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
6 units is around 150iu so you are correct.
You can purchase ala carte hCG supplies like needles and bac water from http://missourimedicalsupplies.com
Hope that helps!
Is there a reason that I can’t just mix the 5 ml of bac water into the vial of powdered hcg?
Hi Lindsay!
This is Cristel, Rayzel`s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
There’s no reason you can’t do that. You can mix 5ml of bac water to 5000iu of hCG and it will be fine.
Hope that helps!
Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 gtsat
What is the difference between a compound HCG and the Pure HCG like Novarel or Pregnyl? How can I get a prescription the pure HCG. I believe all the companies you recommend deal with the compounds that have less effective results?
Hi Dorothy! Actually, as far as I know, the process for making the hCG in bulk/manufactured which is the brand names you refer to and the process for making compounded hCG is basically the same. The difference really isn’t in it’s purity but rather that compounded hCG is made in small batches in small pharmacies vs very large quantities. hCG whether it’s a brand name like you mentioned or compounded ALL have to have a filler added because the amount of powder in 5,000iu hCG straight by itself would be so tiny it would be like a dusting on your finger so no pharmacy would be able to divide equal portions of such a tiny amount into vials if that makes sense- there would be no way to accurately make sure you had 5,000iu in your vial- so all hCG has a filler and all hCG whether these brand names or compounded are going to basically have the same potency/same way of making it. I hope that makes sense? So the results with compounded hCG will not be less effective. Further on this, in the U.S. every single batch of hCG made at compounding pharmaices is required by law to be both potency and endotoxin tested. All batches must meet a 90% minimum potency from what I understand, or the lot is destroyed. Most of the time the batches are between 95-110% potency. I hope that helps you! Usually it’s the dosage for people that makes a big difference in both hunger and weight loss and it’s not necessarily more is better- my post on that is here: vocmwdmt.top/dosage.
Hope that helps!
My HCG powder is 5000 I.U., but the vial it came in is very small and won’t hold the 5ml of bacteriostatic water to inject right into the powder vial. It seems really important to mix the water directly into the powder using a syringe. It might even be a tablet, as it’s wrapped inside the vial. I didn’t want to open it as to not risk ruining it. What do you recommend is the best way to mix this?
Hi Kate,
For hCG like this (is this ordered overseas?), you need a new sterile vial that can hold the 5ml mixed hCG. You’ll have to inject 2ml of bac water to that hCG vial and swirl it, then transfer that 2ml mixed hCG to the sterile vial and add 3ml bac water.
Hope that helps!
Please teach me how much ml will i dilute my 5000iu hcg if im to do a 6weeks/42 days round? And how much will inject on daily basis based on my dilution. Your answers will be very much appreciated!
Good for you Ma’am.. God bless
you seriously ROCK! Not only are you an amazing inspiration having kept the weight off and proven that this hcg thing really does work, but you have provided SO much information that many people have, in the past, spent countless hours trying to research. Everything all in one spot!! YAY!! Thank you for all you do to support all of us HCG’ers out there!!!
I just ordered from Escrow, but they have many options for HCG….which do I choose?
Hi, i need to some info in regards to the mixing process. the person that suggested the treatment, told me that i have to mix 10ml of the water with the 5000 of sifasi hcg. my purpose is to lose weigh… When i read your blog you give mentioned that we have to mix 5 ml of the water with the 5000iu of hcg. can someone give me and more info about this. I really dont want to waist my money and do this wrong.
I have a 11,000 unit of hcg from a compounding facility…how do I mix this? Just 11 cc of bacteriostatic water mixed in the bottle???
Wow! So I realized today that I’m running out of hcg on the 6 day. I purchased my hcg from escrow refills. Just read the post above and now know that I’ve been over dosing my hcg by a lot! I’ve been taking somewhere around 400 ius/day thinking I was dosing at 150ius using the odd 40 units=1cc syringes! Ugh! No hunger pains until today.( day 6) should I adjust my dosage and continue?
I need help. I mixed up two 10,000 thinking 5000. So what I did was put 2ml b/w in each val then put that back in my 26ml bottle of B/w. Then I added more b/w to make 40 ml. That is 10 ml for ever 5000. Right am I ok to use. Help help
Ok I did my do so good help ! I put 2 ml in my 10,000 val x2. Then put that back into my 16 b/w. Gave me a total of 20 ml. Then added 20 ml of b/w. Does that make it right now 10ml for ever 5000. Help help
Approximately how many doses (@ 1 a day) do you get from 5000 iu hcg?
Hi @Regina I actually have a post on this for ya here! http://vocmwdmt.top/how-to-calculate-number-of-doses-from-1-hcg-vial/ Hope that helps! – Rayzel
I am mixing 10,000 iu as splitting it with a friend. What is the ratio of bacteristatic water for this? and then the dosage for a 1:1? Thanks
Hi @Pres if I were doing 1:1 ratio still, I’d add 10ml bac water to the 10,000iu hCG. Hope that helps! You can find the dosage stuff here: http://vocmwdmt.top/find-hcg-injection-dose-syringe/ Take care! – Rayzel
Hello, quick question. Are we allowed to reuse the bacteriostatic .9% sodium chloride water, or do I have to use a new bottle each time. I have a 30ml bottle that doesn’t expire until 2016 and only used 5ml out of it?
I NEED HELP! It was my first time mixing and I somehow managed to mix 5000 IU with 30ml of solution instead of only using 5ml. I didn’t understand why I had so much left over. Is it ruined? What do I do. I really don’t want to buy another, it is too expensive.
HI @Jessica I’m sorry girl! It’s not ruined but the math for dosing yourself will be different than my tutorials that’s all. So let’s see- if you have 30 ml bac water to 5,000iu hCG, that means that it’s a 6:1 ratio – I THINK – I’m not actually very good with this stuff- you better have someone else good at math double check my work. The only problem is I can’t figure out how that then relates to the dosages you’d take on the syringe right now. I’m not sure, I’ll try to figure it out if I can.
okay possibly, in 1:1 ratio, 200 ius is 20 units. So for 6:1 ratio, 200ius would be 120 units? does that sound right?
So for 1:1 ratio, 150 ius is 15 units, so for 6:1 ratio mixture, then perhaps 90 units would be correct.
For 125 ius – that’s .125 units usually for 1:1 ratio, so 6:1 ratio would be 75 units on the syringe.
I’m not sure your syringes actually are large enough to go that high on the syringe- you may have to use 2 for now and then buy more ala carte dosing syringes at misourriemedicalsupplies.com to finish the round (which they may have 100 unit syringes which you’d want to buy, then you’d only have to use 1 syringe a day for the remainder).
But I can’t gaurantee my math is correct! I think it may be, but I’m not positive- run this by a smart person. :)-
Hope that helps,
@Jessica okay possibly, in 1:1 ratio, 200 ius is 20 units. So for 6:1 ratio, 200ius would be 120 units? does that sound right?
So for 1:1 ratio, 150 ius is 15 units, so for 6:1 ratio mixture, then perhaps 90 units would be correct.
For 125 ius – that’s .125 units usually for 1:1 ratio, so 6:1 ratio would be 75 units on the syringe.
I’m not sure your syringes actually are large enough to go that high on the syringe- you may have to use 2 for now and then buy more ala carte dosing syringes at misourriemedicalsupplies.com to finish the round (which they may have 100 unit syringes which you’d want to buy, then you’d only have to use 1 syringe a day for the remainder).
But I can’t gaurantee my math is correct! I think it may be, but I’m not positive- run this by a smart person. :)-
Hope that helps,
Thanks for the video! How long will the HCG stay for after I mix it? (ie: Would it make sense to mix it today if I am not starting until the weekend?)
Hi my doctor gave me HCG injections already in the syring. Is that bad? He also only put 10units, shouldn’t it be more? Can I redo the syringes?
Hi @Lucinda Arizmendi the problem is that if we don’t know what ratio the hCG was mixed in (how much bac water to how much hCG in the original mixture) then we don’t know what actual dose of hCG is in that 10 units (ie how many iu’s of hCG). So I don’t know the answer there unless we can find out how it was mixed. It’s not necessarily bad to have pre-filled syringes, it’s just that I favor not doing it because it allows a person to easily change their dose of hCG which is often necessary at first to find a dose that leads to least hunger, since this dose is very individual and can even change during the round. I hope that helps a little! – Rayzel
Hi Rayzel, I hope you can help.
I received my hcg through my doctor. She instructed me to add 5,000 ml of the bacteriostatic water to reconstitute my hcg. However, the pharmacy instructions on the box direct me to add 10,000 ml.
The hcg bottle reads “Lyophilized Chorionic Gonadotrophin 10,000 Units/Hydroxocobalmin 5,000 mcg for Injection”
Any suggestion?
Thank you for you blog! Wouldn’t be taking this step without it!
Hey @disqus_M5NCxxqhtG:disqus Good questions!
I prefer the 1:1 ratio that your doctor recommends as well. You can
technically do it either way. It’s just if you do 2:1 (10ml to 5,000iu)
then the dosing on the syringe is different. All the instructions on my
site are for mixing in a 1:1 ratio 5ml to 5000iu hCG.
Like I
said, it really doesn’t matter which ratio you do- if you do a more
diluted ratio of 2:1, you just have to inject more liquid to get the
same hcG dose that’s all.
I hope that helps!
My doctor gave me an instruction sheet saying to add 5,000 ml of the bacteriostatic water to my hcg vial to reconstitute. However, the box has Instructions that say add 10,000 ml to reconstitute! Of course it’s Saturday so I can’t call to confirm.
The bottle reads “Lyophilized Chorionic Gonadotrophin 10,000 Units/Hydroxocobalamin 5,000 mcg for injections”
Any suggestions?
And by the way, a million thanks for your blog!!
I just got my order from Escrow – and my 2 mixing vials are empty – is it supposed to look like that? I ordered 2 of each vial and they look empty – everything else came. Is this normal?
Hey @mariannakeeth:disqus – yes the mixing vials should be empty. Usually they send the mixing kit separately from the hCG itself- the hCG itself will probably come in a little box or something. does that make sense? The mixing vials are what you will put both the bac water and the hCG in.
I mixed 2:1 ratio 5000iu hucog 10 bac water. Then I saw your video. Ugh! What is my dose for a 4o day round? I don’t want to throw it away??? 12/30/14. Day 1 loading
Oh that’s okay @marianevandurden:disqus – it’s okay to mix that way as well – this is what the dosages will work out to with the 2:1 ratio:
25 units – 125 ius
30 units – 150 ius
35 units – 175 ius
40 units – 200 ius
What type of syringes did you get? What is the total amount the daily dosing syringes hold – it should say at the top. like 3/10 of an ml, or 1 ml, etc.
Thank you so much for the quick trsponse! Feels food to have you available. The syringe is 1ml/cc 28 gauge 1/2″ easy touch
I have watched your video since I started back in 2011. I did 2 rounds kept the weight off till August 2013 when I started gaining , was depressed, no energy it was really bad. Finally I found a doc who listened and Was diagnosed with Hashimoto. Been on Westhroid since October 2014 and feeling my old self. I now would like to release the 30 lbs !
My first three days losses are low .4 daily I am
Taking westhroid natural thyroid med is this causing the low loss?
Hi @marianevandurden:disqus there are a variety of factors that can cause the weight loss we have. Non optimized thyroid is one of them certainly. But I’ve also discovered my weight loss pattern just varied from round to round too.
How do I store my extra Bac water?
Hi HCG CHICA…I love you videos! just started my first round of HCG..today is VLCD9 for me…lost 8.6 pounds so far! 🙂 , I have a question…can we inject anywhere in the body where there is fat? is that beneficial?
I was told to always inject in the belly, in line with belly button.
Hey there. I received my new orders from Escrow (thru your discount code – THANKS!)
& have a question… as I’ve always purchased premixed & thru my USA doctor. I have 3 boxes of Pregnyl 5000 iu. And for some reason they sent me 3 fairly large bottles o bacteria static waters – I thought I ordered 1.
I aslo have plenty syringes & alcohol swabs.
In each box with the Pregnyl 5000, there are 2 vials – one is 1ml sodium chloride. Do I not use this first?… to mix the powdered hCG before adding the bacteriostatic waters?
Hi Michelle- So sorry I’m just seeing this comment- you can actually just toss the sodium chloride vial- it’s not enough for mixing the hCG for the diet properly.