Hello! 2023 update just a little bit below. My entire life story weight loss journey is below, but you can find what I’m currently up to these days online here:
Instagram (my main jam): @hcgchica, Youtube, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn
For a time, I was saving my IG stories so you could get a glimpse into my everyday life if you’d like to see that. I have since decided it’s too much work!
At the start of the hCG diet protocol, I was 172 lbs, a size 16/18, at 34.5% bodyfat – I had almost 60 lbs of fat on my short 5’1″ frame.
Fast forward with hCG Injections, I reached 117 lbs initially, added several pounds of muscle through crossfit, and now have been consistently between 124-127 lbs for close to 3 years, a comfortable size 4, 16-17% bodyfat – I now only have between 18-23 lbs of fat on my body at any given time.
I lost 2/3rds of all the fat on my body. Just wanted to clarify that.
You can see my current purchasing recommendations for real hCG here: Options for Buying Prescription hCG Online
As well as the hCG diet workbook I released in 2015 that’s sold thousands of copies – now in digital format that allows you to print the tracking sheets OR fill them out on your device. Workbook? Yes lemme check that puppy out.
My HCG Recipes site that has over 400 Phase 2 HCG recipes (note: this is a purchasing thing- it did take 3 years of my life to create sooooo, I think that’s fair- but you get to see some free, so go check it out!)
I would LOVE for you to watch the video above because it really SHOWS you what can be accomplished LONG TERM with this protocol if you have the right mindset.
But I’m not the only one with a success story to share
you can check out over 70 video interviews I’ve now conducted with other everyday hCG dieters who’ve accomplished amazing weight loss and life transformation
UPDATE January 2023:
Wow again. 3 years have gone by yet again. If I can do math which I’m not sure I can, if my 8 year anniversary of maintaining my weight loss occurred towards the end of 2020, I guess that means I’m starting my 10th year right now. I’m weighing in at about 125 lbs or so at this time. I’ve never gone beyond 129 lbs in the past decade. But if you’ve had to re-lose weight sometimes (maybe even right now) don’t let this leave you feeling bad about yourself. I’ve had to re-lose weight before too. It just so happens that after enough mistakes and do-overs, I found my little secrets to keeping it off.
A WHOLE DECADE. Of maintaining my HCG weight loss. I’m up to other stuff now – wanna know what it is? It involves creating a program related to one of the most important things that has helped me maintain my own HCG weight loss for this long.
And that’s fitness. Yep, I know. Fitness can be a DRAG. And I used to go on and on about Crossfit and how much I loved it, and if you read any of that, you were probably like, “and here’s where I get off the learning-with-hcgchica-train. No thank you.” And I would understand! Crossfit was INTENSE man. But somehow I loved it – then. But that was then. I’m over 40 now. Crossfit is now a thing of the past. I haven’t touched a barbell in several hundred days.
The last 4 years I’ve stayed in shape with a very different type of exercise.
I call it: The yoga of strength training.
I am working on a slow paced, non-intense, non-jumping around HOME strength training program for women over 40 like myself. It works, because it’s what I do myself. That and walking are my only exercise.
I break down each exercise in the program in a How-To Video (if you’ve been around me awhile, you know I’m BIG on how-to stuff!). ALL of that is over at my fitness site Inspirefulwomen.com
I guess my only other big update since 2020 is that I started highlighting my hair with blonde. Cuz whattttt happened folks, as I get older my hair just kept getting darker, and darker, and darker. And you know what? When you hit 40 and beyond and those lines & marks start showing up on your face, that dark shroud against my skin wasn’t helping me feel any younger. As a kid I had those natural honey blonde highlights, so for me and my complexion/genetics, the super dark almost black hair look wasn’t a natural fit.
You can even do some of these exercises WHILE you’re on the HCG Diet. Why? Because I don’t encourage intense exercise- that’s the type that usually ends up causing bad results with HCG.
Just pick a few exercises at my fitness site, and execute them in a slow, controlled manner. Don’t try to wipe yourself out. It’s simply not necessarily. You can build muscle and your metabolism in this way.
See HCGChica’s New Exercise Site
Update November 2020:
Wow! I can’t believe 2 entire years have gone by since I last wrote an update.
I hit my 8 year weight loss maintain-aversary!
Yes, I have been maintaining my weight loss from the hCG Diet Protocol for 8 entire years now. That sounds totally crazy. I have not done the hCG diet in 8 years. I’m currently 121.8 lbs on the scale today, a size 2/4.
Has it always been easy? Of course not. Do I sometimes gain a couple pounds on the scale and freak out? Yes totally. Do I have to make corrections from time to time? 100%.
Maintaining weight is about making adjustments here and there when things get off track.
Basically what I have tried to do is just CATCH weight gain once I hit 3-5 lbs more than my normal maintenance weight. That’s been how I’ve done this. By doing that, things never get so out of hand that it takes a long time or a big intervention (like the hCG diet) to get back to where I feel most comfortable in my body.
Here’s a few photos of me this past summer- I like to show photos with and without my makeup on, because I think we women need to see more of what other women look like in all their forms, not just on our best days.
[soliloquy id=”22018″]
Update November 2018:
I hit my 6 year maintainaversary!
Is that a word? I am still maintaining my hCG diet weight loss, 6 years later – here’s my most recent little pic compilation of that, complete with my newfound curly/wavy hair. I HAD NO IDEA my hair was actually wavy! I’ve been living for what I guesstimate is the last 9 years with nappy crappy hair and I just though it was the results of my autoimmune illness- when in reality, I think my pregnancy with my son changed my hair texture. Crazy. I have a youtube video sharing my overall journey during the past 6 years here: 6 Years After hCG on YouTube
Update February 2018:
You may see a 2 year anniversary maintenance video above.
It’s now been OVER 5 YEARS that I’ve been maintaining my hCG Diet weight loss.
I NEED to get a new video and post together you guys! But still haven’t. I’ve been too busy making the P3tolife program to help you guys stabilize and maintain your own weight loss, and now I’ve moved on to the Phase 2 Recipe Project (check it out – yes RECIPES for P2!) My aim is always to help you guys succeed yourself FIRST. But just to share, I am still maintaining ladies!
This is so important because honestly, the weight loss aspect of any diet, including hCG, can be considered “easy” (even though actually the hCG protocol is anything but easy!) – but in comparison to actually maintaining weight loss, hCG is reliable and straightforward. Maintenance is where we ALL struggle. But don’t feel discouraged – seriously, the ladies who follow my P3tolife program between rounds of hCG and after after being done, REALLY maintain. I want you to know this is totally doable not just for me, but for you. You live in your body every day! So you care about you and what you want out of life, as it should be. You can really do this.
Here’s a current photo I took in November 2017:
Is This Diet Going to Starve You?
Welcome! I know you guys want to know a little about me and my results with this protocol, so you can decide if it’s something you should check into or not.
Especially because you’ve likely heard that the HCG diet is a scam, a placebo, that it’s dangerous, or something to that effect.
The first thing I want to say is that no one is forcing you to agree to anything, so please don’t feel pressured or threatened.
There’s no rush for you to decide if this diet is truly a scam or if it really works. Simply reading about it is not the same thing as doing the diet, so nothing bad is going to happen to your body right now while you’re on my blog, I promise! It often pays to keep an open mind, collect the appropriate information and analyze, then make a decision for yourself.
I feel this is a very valuable thing to do because giving a decision thought and research means that you will feel GOOD about your final decision, whether it’s a go or a no-go, you’ll have that inner peace inside you. For starters, you can check out my quite detailed and long discussion regarding 5 Common Myths About the hCG Diet – whether it makes sense to you, you are free to decide!
My hCG Diet Before and After Stats
YES, I am a REAL person. Really really! I’ve been married for 12 13 14 15 16 17 years to my best friend and we have a 3 4 5 6 7 8 year old son (whom you’ll see make “guest appearances” in some of my youtube videos– subscribe so you don’t miss those).
In a nutshell – I began the hCG protocol in February of 2011. I have been maintaining my approximate 50 lb weight loss from the hCG protocol, without doing the diet again, for over 4 years, since November of 2012. And just a quick note – some see the number and get a little confused, wondering if it took me 2 years to lose 50 lbs – no don’t worry! I have a full post explaining my unique journey here, but basically, I took LONG breaks (several months) between each 6 week round on the diet. I was technically a normal weight after only two 6 week rounds of hCG – so close to 50 lbs in just 12 weeks total. So yes, this doesn’t take forever.
Read/Watch my own hCG Diet Journey As It Unfolded:
My hCG Diet Journal
Update January 6, 2017
It’s now been over 4 years since I finished hCG. I still have yet to make a new update blogpost since my previous one like 2 years ago – sorry guys- been busy making other stuff for you all! But I’m still between 16-17% bodyfat, and still crossfitting consistently 3-4 days a week. Here’s a most recent photo from January 2017:
Check out my previous detailed personal update from April 2015:
April 2015 – 2 years maintaining!
The beautiful thing about my maintaining weight loss story is I haven’t spent 1 day in the entire past two years doing any counting of calories whatsoever. Yes, my eating has changed overall, more on that later, but it has come to fit seamlessly into my life in a way I don’t have to spend excessive time thinking about or being obsessed with. I think that is the goal for all of us.

You’ll find as you spend more time on my blog that I’m VERY honest and realistic about what you can and can’t expect with on this diet plan.
I have lots of bodyfat testing to prove my fat loss with hCG, which if you are leery of it, might help you, and I’m just as quick to tell you how hard this protocol can be if you’re not mentally ready for it.
If you are interested in trying this protocol after reading my results, you can check out your options at my special page for where to purchase hCG.
I have learned through this process to think more in terms of fat and body fat percent, rather than weight on the scale, which I realize will be new for many of you. Now I spend my days going to Crossfit, lifting heavy weights and doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)- I do this 3 hours a week and I LOVE it. I recently hit a PR (personal record) of 103 lbs for an overhead squat!
UPDATE 8/25/2014
I am coming up on my 2 year anniversary maintaining my weight loss in October folks- can’t believe it’s almost been that long. I was 125.4 lbs on the scale this morning, and have not used hcg at all since my last round in November 2012.
Crossfit is still going well- in fact if you want to see my latest personal update showing some of my crossfit moves 😉 you can do that here.
The pic below is my latest photo take July 2014
UPDATE 11/18/2014
It’s now been OVER a 2 years since I finished hCG! I am currently at 16.5% bodyfat at 127 lbs- which is actually a little less than when I finished the diet. In reality, I’m quite a bit more fit/stronger now as I’ve gained about 8 lbs of muscle since then (thank you Crossfit). You will see if you spend any time on my blog that I’m most concerned about body composition and fat loss, not simply weight loss- there’s a big difference. The reason this is important is because I have been freed from the scale as a judge of my body- I actually weigh 8-9 lbs more than the day I finished my last round of hCG on any given day, but I am happy about this because all of it is actually muscle.
Here’s up my updated photos- by the way- the reason I don’t look all super amazing compared to some after photos you might see sometimes is because I don’t do anything special like go tanning, wear high heels, photoshop parts of me off, or un-smile in my before photo to make my after photos look better- these photos are just me- and in reality, even though I haven’t put on fat, muscle takes up space on your body as well, just not as much as fat, so my measurements ARE indeed increased in some areas since finishing the diet due to this muscle, but I’m digging my strength now.
Update April 2015
The hCG Diet Workbook has just been published! You can find out more about what’s inside it and how it can help you here:
Look INSIDE hCGChica’s hCG Diet Workbook
I carefully crafted the workbook based on all that I know when it comes to what someone on the hCG protocol needs.
As I write this, April 23, 2015, I was 124.8 lbs on the scale, still a very comfortable size 4 and a I-feel-like-being-cute-today-so-i’ll-wear-my-size-2-jeans.
Seeing Me Throughout My Weight Loss Journey
I have several different blogposts about my diet results and just about me in general:
- See Me as a Size 2 in my Old Size 16 Skirt
- My Timeline of Weight loss
- How Just 8lbs Made This Difference In How My Jeans Fit
- About hCGChica- Q&A
- How Quickly Can you Get to a Normal Weight With the hCG Diet?
I have chronicled just about every phase of my journey on youtube- I’ve chosen just some highlights here:
- Bodyshot at 120lbs
- Body fat testing 5 months after End of Round 4
- Bodyshot During Round 4- Size 0 Vest and Size 4 Shorts
- Maintaining Fat Loss Update After Round 3
- Stabilizing New Weight After 1st Round
- Before and After Pics from 1st Round
- Midway on Round 1- Size 18 to Size 14
- Bodyshot Towards Beginning of My Diet Journey
- hCGChica’s very start of hCG- 172 lbs
You can also see ALL my personal diet videos. This would be more if you have the flu and are literally bored out of your mind, trapped on your couch at 3 a.m. (perhaps with someone threatening you if you did otherwise).
Lastly, here’s a little video I made of my results from Round 1 to Round 4 which shows something around a 50 lb weight loss (can’t even remember now!)- it will give the big picture of what I’ve accomplished.
And Now What Am I Up To?
Well first of all I have the immense privilege of helping others on this protocol! I never thought when I started this diet back in 2011 that I would be spending my work hours each week creating content to help people get their life back and steer them through the difficulties of this admittedly challenging diet- I treasure it and truly enjoy helping you guys!
While everything I provide to you guys is free (until my coaching video course comes out that is! Then it will simply be 99% of everything I provide is free), the way I am compensated is when some of you choose to purchase your hCG through one of the companies that I proudly recommend on my site here. I only recommend hCG that I know to be the real hormone. You should always do what is best for you personally, but if you happen to decide to buy your injections or drops through one of these companies anyway, might as well use my links right? You don’t lose anything at all and I can keep crankin’ out the videos. Thank you all so much for your support!
Aside from that, I am doing my best to be a good mom, although I frequently fail my own standards, I’m a woman of faith, I crossfit, and oh yeah, I QUILT. How’s that for a hodge podge of interests?
And maybe you’re wondering how old I am because I saw in my website stats that someone searched “how old is hcgchica” the other day. haha! I turned 33 this year.
The Long Version of my Diet Story
My journey began in February 2011 when I was doing yet more research online regarding my autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s, basically where my body attacks my own thyroid and gradually destroys it. I had been ill several years without knowing why, and finally after getting a diagnosis, got some of my life back by taking thyroid medication, in the form of Cytomel (also known as T3 or active thyroid hormone…but that’s another story). However, not all things were as they used to be pre-illness. I continued to struggle in many ways with my health and weight. My eating habits had gone downhill because of my depression over losing the active person I could no longer be. I became addicted to sugar. While researching this particular issue with sugar and looking at anti-yeast and candida diets, I saw someone ask a question on a forum- it said “does the hCG really work for weight loss?” or something to that effect.
I had never heard of this diet, so with interest I clicked on the thread and started reading. The information was intriguing to say the least, but pretty hard to believe. Still, it was certainly plausible, and what got me thinking that “hey, maybe this really works” was the fact that it wasn’t a new fad diet with some supplement someone supposedly just came up with; rather, it was a weight loss protocol that had been around since the 1950’s, when a man named Dr. Simeons discovered what could be achieved by combining the natural hormone hCG with a very low calorie diet. Just as there are many cancer cures out there that have cured cancer in the past, but which remedies or knowledge of such remedies have been obliterated (see the book Politics in Healing- the Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine) by the “Powers that Be” since those “Powers that Be” couldn’t make money off of such therapies. After reading reading the history behind this protocol (it’s really not a diet, but a protocol to healthful wellness), I felt there may be some merit to it.
Proof that hCG works was in the real people doing the Diet
Next I started finding vlogs of people on youtube who had done or were doing this protocol in real life and sharing their experiences (click here to learn how to find these people). It’s pretty tough to argue with real live people isn’t it? You can read all the postings on forums and hubpages articles saying “hcg is a scam” or “hcg is a starvation diet” by people who have neither tried the diet nor researched it (btw do I look starved in the above photo?), but the truth is in actual results of thousands of people. Real people were losing a lot of weight very quickly using this method.
My last concern was “how much of the weight loss on this diet is muscle and how much is fat?” This was something with a much less clear answer as there haven’t been too many people aware of or able to track their bodyfat percent before and after doing the hCG diet through the reliable methods known, which are hydrostatic body fat testing and now, the DEXA scan. The few examples I did find lost very little if any lean mass while doing this diet. This was encouraging to me, however the examples were all of men, who have a serious advantage in maintaining muscle because of their testosterone levels (I’m sure it’s more complicated than that but you know what i mean- I’m a GIRL- I’m different).
My own proof that the Diet works came from body fat testing
After thoroughly researching this protocol for months I finally felt comfortable and ready to proceed with it. I did a hydrostatic body fat test before I started, and subsequent testing after each round. I’m proud to say, that when doing the hCG diet properly, muscle loss is minimal even for women. My third round alone I lost 7.5% body fat in only 38 days. That equates to 16.8 lbs of fat lost and 4.2 lbs pounds of muscle. So while there was some muscle loss, the ratio was phenomenal for what I achieved. After my third round, I started going to a Crossfit gym 3-4 days a week to get strong (remember, I am coming from a pretty sedentary lifestyle as after I became ill I could no longer be active much of the time for several years). In only 3 months time I gained 7 pounds of muscle! Again, this was proved by hydrostatic body fat testing. I maintained almost all my fat loss as I only gained 1/2 pound of fat back with that 7 lbs of muscle. I did a subsequent 4th round to lose even more fat, then took a 5 month break where I again went to Crossfit 3-4 days a week, this time gaining 5 lbs of muscle and again, only 1/2 pound of fat back. I completed a 5th round which has brought me down to 21 pounds of fat total on my body (compared to the 59 pounds of fat I started with). I never thought I could be this small again, and now I’m doing kipping pull ups at crossfit with ease. Yes I just performed about 100 of them the other day for the infamous MURPH wod.
And that’s really about it!