I am 120.2 lbs on Day 35 of the VLCD of Round 5 of the HCG Injections. My video has a bodyshot of what I currently look like at this weight. Since I started at 172 pounds and a size 16/18 and in this video you’ll see me wearing a size 2 pair of jeans, I think that speaks volumes for what Human Chorionic Gonadotropin can do if you follow the protocol properly from start to finish.
I didn’t really mean for this to turn into a long round, but since I was feeling better this last week and I won’t be doing another round of the protocol for quite some time, I felt it might be nice to make the most of this current round.
I’ve lost 14.6 lbs in 30 days and so far 9 lbs is fat. I’m very happy with this ratio
My omron monitor is showing that I’m at 19.8% bodyfat which equals out to 24 lbs of fat on my body out of the 120 lbs that I currently weigh and what’s interesting is that I just had a hydrostatic body fat test done a couple days ago and it actually lined up perfectly with what my Omron handheld body fat monitor said. This was my first time having a hydro body fat test being done while still on phase 2 of the Diet. Usually I wait until I am in Phase 3 to have the test done. I have discovered as I’ve gotten leaner that when I’m NOT on the Diet, the omron body fat monitor is not as accurate as when I am on the diet. I think the extra food, fluids, and glycogen etc, that my body has when I’m in my normal living state change the monitor’s readings a bit, although just as a reference I still find it useful.
What Shirataki Noodles Package Looks Like
Shirataki noodles are also called Miracle Noodles- the miracle noodles can be purchased online and are a bit pricier purchased under that name brand. The Shirataki noodles as you see here in this video can be purchased as most local asian markets or ethnic markets- you will find them in the refrigerated section. It will often say “yam noodle” or “yam flour” in paranthesis on the package. There has been some confusion over people seeing this and then thinking the shirataki noodles contained actual yams as we americans think of them and thus starch but this is not the case. The asian shirataki noodles are actually made purely from soluble fiber (fiber meaning our body does not digest it as any calories to us) from what’s called the Konjac Root in Japan- whoever translated this onto the package from chinese put it as “yam” but it’s really this Konjact root that it’s made from.
Making Use of the hCG Youtube Community
I have found the hCG community on youtube to be a wonderful place to both get and give support on the Diet. It seems like many useful and successful protocols for things like losing weight, getting fit, or getting away from an addiction involve a group of some sort. There’s cycling groups, jogging groups, AA for alcoholics and weight watchers meetings to name a few. People do well with a support system in place- especially people who are in a similar situation to you. That is why if you are doing the protocol, the youtube community of vloggers and commentors is what I think of as an irreplaceable resource. I address how to go about getting and giving support on the protocol on my FAQ page here: Where to Find Support and Help on the hCG Diet
Since the Diet is somewhat controversial (ie phrases sometimes heard: you are INJECTING? or….you are injecting WHAT??? or…..you are eating HOW MANY CALORIES??? Oh my goodness you are going to STARVE YOURSELF!!!) many find they don’t care to tell too many in their immediate network of friends or family they are doing this diet because they don’t feel like dealing with all the questions and/or well-meaning warnings that come across as put-downs since they have not full researched the protocol. So many us like to wait to let the results speak for themselves, at which point sometimes the minds of those around us become a little more open. Before this happens though, you need a support network- the protocol is NOT easy as some might say. It’s FAST but not easy. I treasure and hope you will too, the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin youtube community.
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Yup, I want this!
Can you eat the yam-noodles any time and it won’t hurt you on the diet? And if so, whats a good reckie to make them fast good?
I assume by now you have pulled the trigger. I was just like you and could not understand how they could do this….so I called them direct. she walked me through the process and sure enough in a few days my order arrived. Best thing I have ever done. I am soon to be in Phase two. down 20 lbs. only have 5 to go. This has been a real eye opener for me.
I subscribed to your page just last week right before I ordered my first hcg injection kit and I’m so excited to loose weight! It’s the first time I have ever been on any kind of diet and hope to get results! I got most of my information off of your YouTube channel and your blog you are an inspiration!! Thank you!!
Awesome claudia! You WILL get results if you follow the protocol. Thanks you I’m so glad that the videos and articles have been so helpful to you.
hcgchica you are just so great. Thanks for all your video’s and super well organized presentations.
Aww your welcome Zen!! Wow I can’t believe I’m just now seeing your comment after 11 months…yikes! that must be a record- I hope you are well.