Hey guys!
It’s me…oh that’s right, it’s always me on here.
Well today I have a personal update for you guys- I feel truly honored by the kind of appreciation I get on a frequent basis for my blog and videos and it makes me feel like I owe it to you all to update you on ME- so you know I’m still maintaining my weightloss from the hCG Diet.
I just want you to feel confident in the information I put out- I mean, who knows, maybe behind the scenes I’ve actually gained 80 lbs and I’m sitting on the couch eating chips as I write blogposts right? 🙂 (not that there’s anything wrong with eating chips of course- you know what I mean.)
Thankfully I think all the videos that come with each post make it clear that’s not the case!
Still, you all deserve an update, and I do it for myself as well- to remind me of how well I’m doing and to keep up the new habits (note to self: pat self on back when done writing blogpost).
Bodyfat / Maintaining Weightloss from hCG Stats
I’ve been between 127-129 lbs for over 5 months now. I finished Round 5 of the Diet at 117 point something lbs actually, but since I was eating no fruit and no melba/grissini on the diet, this means the diet was extremely low carb when I did it, which means that I expected to stabilize several lbs higher than my LDW (last dosage weight- see the hCG Diet Dictionary if you’re not familiar with hCG diet terms yet) because my body would naturally re-fill my glycogen stores (in regular words, this means I shed a lot of excess normal water weight due to being SO low carb for the 6 weeks on HCG Injections).
If that sounds like baloney and a way to excuse a 12 lb gain, let me just break it down in facts. Out of the 12 lbs (from 117-129 lbs), 9 lbs is muscle/glycogen stores, and 3 lbs is fat. I can tell you honestly that I gained back that 3 lbs of fat within the first 3 weeks during P3. My body fat testing confirms this. I always tend to go a little overboard in P3 and jump into eating high calorie a bit too fast. Something to work on.
But the encouraging part is that I’ve maintained the 24 lbs of fat I currently have on my body (which puts me at 19% bodyfat- athlete level btw- not bragging about me here, bragging about the hormone) for over 5 months. I’ve had several hydro bodyfat tests in the last 6-7 months. In the last 5 months my level of fat has remained the same, while my muscle has gone up. Very cool indeed!
My latest hydro test showed that I had 105 lbs or so of muscle, and 24 lbs of fat, and I’m 5′ tall.
A Year And A Half Since I Reached a Healthy Weight
There’s another little ‘marker’ to remember here, and that is it’s been 18 months since I got to a healthy size and weight for my height.
At the end of my 3rd round of protocol, even though I had 10 more lbs of fat than I do now, I was still in the healthy range for the first time.
I have only done 2 rounds in the past 18 months, for a total only about 60ish days on the diet, and this was purely by choice- meaning, I hadn’t really gained any fat back, I just by choice, chose to lose additional fat. Which is how I have 10 lbs less fat now. There is a range of what is considered healthy, so I decided to gradually move my body to a more fit state.
So out of the last 18 months, I spent almost 90% that time OFF of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. And staying in a healthy weight range. It can be done!
What I Eat In Phase 4 After the hCG Diet
- I will say this- I am not low carb.
- I AM: No sugar, No gluten, Low grain.
- The majority of my carbs come from whole fruits (ie mango, grapefruit, grapes, oranges, pears, etc). Additionally I get carbs from organic corn tortillas, organic tamales, potatoes and refried beans (from a can no less).
- I also eat veggies, dairy, and nuts.
- I eat fruit (probably 2-4 servings worth) on a daily basis, but I tend to limit my grain consumption (ie the corn products) to 3-4 times a week. For instance this week I had 1 organic corn tamale 2 nights in a row, but then I took a break the last couple days.
On occasion I get a little out of hand and eat more grain type carbs than usual for several days in a row- when this happens I start to feel kind of bloated and the scale goes up a couple pounds. When I see this, I then spend 3-4 days just eating super super clean- basically meat, salads, and fat free greek yogurt. The scale always seems to go back down and I feel in control again of my eating habits. So it’s a good tool to use for me when I start getting too lax. You know how it goes- I think we all have sometimes eaten and subconsciously thought to ourselves ‘nothing can touch me’.
The scale, used as a tool, not an emotional head-trip, is the reality for me when I thoughtlessly eat a bunch of tortilla chips for too many days in a row thinking my body somehow won’t know. The scale as a tool reminds me of what is actually true, so I can correct and remind myself of what’s what.
My Last 2 Keys to Maintaining My Weightloss
- Crossfit
- Thyroid Medication
I attend Crossfit 3 days a week, for a total of 3 hours of exercise each week. Doesn’t sound overboard right? Doable for many of you yes? It’s really all I need. You can see my Crossfit after hCG blogposts if you like.
And lastly, I can’t underestimate the role my small dose of thyroid medication (25 mcg a day, split into 2 doses, of t3/Cytomel specifically) does in helping me maintain.
While I think the hormone can indeed do some balancing of hormones, I don’t believe that it can fix a truly screwed up thyroid.
And I think more women have thyroid issues than realize it. If you feel like you’re doing everything right and you still see your weight creep up gradually after the process, I would pursue finding out if you have an untreated thyroid condition. While I am very into naturopathic health and use it at every opportunity (I avoid regular doctor offices and hospitals at almost all cost), thyroid medication is one thing that I am VERY thankful to have. It gives me what my body does not produce and it’s given me my life back. Literally. I became a very different person when I was very ill, and while my health continues to fluctuate up and down (which it’s great right now btw!), overall I am light years better than I was.
But there are two tricky parts to this:
1. How to find out if you’re hypothyroid
2. Which medication will actually help you
If you go to your general practitioner and ask to be test for low thyroid, you will most likely get 1 or 2 basic tests that are not sufficient, you will be told your thyroid is normal because it falls within the “normal range” of those 1 or 2 basic tests, and you will be sent on your way, because you are “perfectly normal”- even though you feel like crap. Or alternate scenario, you will ask for the basic tests, they will (amazingly) show you ARE hypothyroid, and the doc will prescribe you a t4 medication like Synthroid or levothyroxine, and you won’t feel any better, despite large increases in dosing and lab tests that are now “normal.”
If you want to find out what is TRULY going on inside your body, you have to do some personal research- there is some links to excellent websites to do this.
The whole category of health-related blogposts on this site is here: https://vocmwdmt.top/category/health-issues-and-hcg/
But a few good starter posts are:
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Yup, I want this!
Thanks for the update, you look great!
One incredibly useful tool I found when researching hypothyroidism is MyMedLabs.com, where you can order your own medical tests online. No need for a doctor’s visit, no need to pay really high lab prices. Order from hundreds of available tests, pay online (50% less than normal lab fees), then go to your local Lab Corp location and receive your results online in 1-2 days.
It’s given me the power to take charge of my own health without having to beg a doctor to order tests. Check out the ‘Mary Shoman Thyroid Panel.’
PS: I am not associated with MyMedLabs, I’m just a huge fan!
Hey Marisa- I am SO glad you mentioned this because actually I have used them myself before- I’m glad you brought it up- I will have to do a more in depth post on what types of test to get etc. and mention them- it really is so nice being able to be in control of your own health and get testing done in advance, and then you can always go to a doctor with those test results in hand. Thank you so much for sharing!