UPDATE: While hCG CAN register on a pregnancy test, I no longer view it as reliable, and I explain why in detail with a very good example here:
An IMPORTANT message to my readers about Real Prescription hCG
I just wanna show you really quick. This is the little pregnancy test that you can find at the dollar store. Usually when you stand in line they have a bunch of them there and they’re literally only a dollar and I just tested in my human chorionic gonadotropin this morning to double check so I’m gonna show it to you guys. See how there’s 2 lines there? So that shows that it is positive it’s a good idea to check that when in doubt. I wanna show you how much hormone I used to test it. I ended up using I think about just like 10 units. It didn’t take very much. It’s possible that took out 1 dose from me I’m not sure yet since I’m mixing in small 2000ius batches I’ll find that out but for me it was worth knowing that I do have a positive on pregnancy test. Anyway that’s how you do it, it’s really easy and really cheap way to test it.
Alright just wanna show you guys again. There is the 2 lines, right here is the dropper window that I put the 10 unit or so of hormone and the second line actually came up almost right away as the liquid you know went from across and it took a little bit to get wet and then it showed up
Ok guys I just wanna show you I tested my human chorionic gonadotropin again today. Today is the VLCD day 6 so I’ve been using it for a total of 8 days now if you include loading. And as you can see there’s plainly 2 strong lines so the hormone is still very well effective and you won’t normally need to check it this soon. I just wanted to check it myself and anyway just wanna show you how obvious it can be. This are just the little dollar store pregnancy test just to compare, I’ll show you my phone so you can see how small it is. It’s not like those big ones that you often buy at target, their really tiny and you only need a little bit of the hormone in this little window here in order to get the results which is what’s nice cause you know we don’t really have much of the hormone to waste so that’s why these are perfect and their only a dollar each.
The best way to know if your HCG is potent is by testing it. How? With a pregnancy test! You can get these cheaply at the dollar store and these dollar store tests are the perfect size for using without wasting too much of your precious hormone solution in the process. The dollar store pregnancy tests have a tiny window that you can use one of your HCG Injections to drop just a few drops of hormone into, and in no time, you’ll find out if your hormone test positive or negative (you want a positive by the way!)
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If we test our HCG and show it is no longer viable (I’m hungry all the time and have had low to no results) would we stop, reload and start with new HCG?
Hi Rachel,
Rayzel no longer recommend pregnancy testing because it’s not reliable and she has a VERY good reason why detailed in this post here: https://vocmwdmt.top/an-important-message-to-my-readers-about-real-prescription-hcg
Hunger is usually dose related so I suggest you check out Rayzel’s blog post on dosing here: hgcgchica.com/dosage
And if you haven’t lost anything while on the 500 calorie diet, this article might be of help: https://hcgchicahelphub.com/hardly-any-weight-loss-3-weeks-stall-hcg-diet-p2/
I am in day 8 of P2 and my lady time is a day late. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was positive. Would the HCG drops (30 drops a day) reveal in my urine to give me a false positive, is that likely? I don’t want to stop the diet, I am so close to my goal but if I am knocked up… oye ve. Anyway, both my PCP and gynecologist are clueless to the diet and there’s not much definitive info out there on HCG drops giving false positive results in urine pregnancy tests.
Hi April,
This is Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you!
USUALLY not, but on occasion, it has. Sorry that probably doesn’t help too much. But on very rare occasions, a person’s urine has tested positive on pregnancy test while taking hCG, but it is definitely very rare.
I started the diet 6 days ago. I have injected myself with a total of 1ml so far. Is that enough in my body to show me a positive urine pregnancy test or am I actually pregnant? I just had blood work done and will get the HCG blood test results tomorrow. Just looking for your input.
Hi Sarah,
USUALLY not, but on occasion, it has. Sorry that probably doesn’t help too much. But on very rare occasions, a person’s urine has tested positive on pregnancy test while taking hCG, but it is definitely very rare.
Li-an, Rayzel’s assistant
Hi Sarah
Did your hog level show in your blood work? I go next week to have mine tested and curious if it was detected.
Hey Laura, when you went for your blood work, did the HCG register in your results?
Hey Sarah. Just curious, did the hcg register in your blood test? Because I know you needed a certain level for it to be positive.
I’m sorry for all the short questions but I want to say I have no doubt my hcg is real. My question is there a way to test it to see if it’s still usable. “Potent” so I’m not wasting my time or the product…
Hi, I would like to test my hcg with p-test to see if it’s still usable.
I’ve had mine mixed in the fridge for about 8 mos. And I just started p2 Monday. Today is Thursday; I wondered if it would give me an indicator that it was still good. “Potent” is the word my hubby uses. Lol
Where can i buy hcg please
Hi Mary!
You can buy hCG from one of Rayzel’s recommended hCG sources here: vocmwdmt.top/buyhcg
Hope that helps!
Hello, I just wanted to let others know what I was told today – that using pregnancy tests to test viability doesn’t work – I absolutely do not agree with what I was told. I tested and came out with positive results every time up until I found hunger creeping in as suggested in this blog – tested again at that point and null. So then I mixed a new batch and no positive result on the new batch and even though I changed nothing in my behaviors, over the past 4 days with the new batch of hcg showing no positive result coincidentally (or not) I have started to gain weight. I believe the gain is due to non-viable HCG of the second batch (tested twice, both negative, but 3 tests on the first batch showed positive until day 21). The vendor used very negative words in regards to people on the internet who state that a pregnancy test would tell us anything – according to him, they’ve been in business for years and know the science and we’re the dummies out here with no medical background making false claims. Personally, I think it is just a dispute to the fact that my second batch isn’t viable. Just wanted to share that experience and the fact that when I had a positive result on the test, I had positive results in the diet. When I had negative results on the test, I have had negative results with the diet. I have not changed any of my eating or activity behaviors, you be the judge, but I don’t think it’s coincidence, I think the vendor just doesn’t want to take responsibility for their product.
I have hcg I mixed in June but I stopped because I broke my hand and foot. I am ready to start again. I tested it on the pregnancy test still testing positive. Do think it is still good to use?
just curious, I was wanting to use HCG too and wanted to know how you are so certain that this will be an accurate way to test it? Did someone with a scientific background show you proof that this was a reliable way to test if it has expired? do you have some kind of control group that actually did show a negative after being long past expiration? I know it is made from the urine of pregnant women, and if you figured this medthod out this is genius, but just wondering if HCG that provided a positive test result while still fresh would certainly provide a negative result after expiring (specifically after not having been refrigerated) Thanks, you are awesome!
Hi @Jordan nice to meet you. The hCG tests are designed to test for the presence for hCG, however, I no longer recommend this as being reliable due to a few examples showing the testing is unreliable/inconsistent.
Here is one example: http://vocmwdmt.top/an-important-message-to-my-readers-about-real-prescription-hcg/
I had some mixed HCG that was about 45 days old before throwing it out I decided to test it. I used the dollar tree pregnancy test and I actually got a positive. It was pretty faint but still positive. Does this mean the HCG is still good? Or should I just throw it out at this point?
Personally I’d still use something fresh – even though it’s registering, at this point it’s probably just about to not be good @Cassie
I tested (pregnancy test ) HCG that I purchased from a recommended site , HCGUSshots and it was negative . Does that mean the HCG in no good ?
Hey Nicole- are you completely sure it was negative? So many people do not read them correctly- did you see the control line in the window? And was there even any hint of a faint 2nd line? Most vials i test have a VERY faint “positive” line- this is still a positive result- the amount of hCG being tested is very tiny in comparison to an actual pregnant women, so these strong lines are not usually seen. I hope that helps a little. The hCG is defintely from a compounding pharmacy so I am doubtful that it’s truly negative. Did you try testing it with another brand? How did you test it? Just want to get details to see if I can help troubleshoot.
I also bought mine from this site two. I tested twice and both results showed negative. Trust me, I work in biology lab, so I know how to use and interpret the strips. Does it mean the HCG not real? Please help!
Hi X Lee – I’m sure you are testing it correctly- the issue that’s making the testing unreliable is either faulty tests or not enough hCG is being used- I have proof of this:
This experience here: http://vocmwdmt.top/an-important-message-to-my-readers-about-real-prescription-hcg/
And also this convo which literally just happened today:
Also, see below link which shows many test brands are only sensitive down to 100ius, and even then, states that it’s not reliable at this level and that false negatives do occur) I myself did not originally know all this as well. I did some research on what levels of hCG a pregnancy test can reflect, and different brands have different sensitivities, and it also mentioned that the test may not reflect a positive indicator down to whats advertised on the box as well as that at that early level of pregnancy (where this is not much hCG in urine yet) that a negative test is more likely to be inaccurate – so again showing that with small amounts of hCG, not reliable- here’s a post discussing this:
Anyway- all this is to say US hCG shots is real hCG, I toured their office and the compounding pharmacy they use myself in person actually, and I will have a bunch of photos and some video footage of this trip up very soon. So please don’t worry! I hope my proof above showing where the testing ended up being inaccurate in some cases is adequate proof for you in that department.
I will be making a detailed blogpost in the near future all about this issue with pregnancy testing – it CAN test positive of course, I’ve tested many vials myself this way, however, it can’t relied on as 100% accurate, as my examples show- and those are not the only ones- this has happened several times, where it was negative, then positive with either different test, or someone added more water to the strip, etc. – all kinds of crazy stuff. Does this help? – Rayzel
waited 20 days for my hcg mixed exactly as directed, 5ccs water with 5000iu powder… hcg preg tested Negative! should i repeat test?