Hey guys HCGChica. I wanted to show you guys today how to mix a 2000iu vial of human chorionic gonadotropin for injection. For the most part people tend to use 5000iu vials of the hormone which work really good. But I do 2000iu vials myself these days and there’s a couple reasons. 5000iu ampules of human chorionic gonadotropin usually typically last about 3 weeks, and after about 3 weeks the potency is usually not good anymore and that can be tested with the pregnancy test. When you test Rx or pharmaceutical hormone you should be able to get a positive pregnancy test when you drop some of the hormone on it. So anyway usually doing the 5000iu and using it for about 3 weeks is totally fine and it’s definitely cheaper than the 2000iu vials, however sometimes people have found even after 2 weeks that their human chorionic gonadotropin has already gone bad with the 5000iu or as it gets close to that 3 week mark they might experience a few days where their hungrier or not losing fat as well and then they realize when they test their hormone that its gone bad already. So sometimes that little interim period there when you’re getting close to that mark can be kind of difficult because you’re not exactly sure when it’s gonna go bad and you’re trying to get the most use out of it. So anyway for myself just to eliminate that worry I’ve chosen to mix 2000iu ampules or vials of human chorionic gonadotropin. Each 2000iu vials of human chorionic gonadotropin last for about 9 to 11 days and depending on what dose you end up injecting. So basically I remix my hormone about every 10 days now with the 2000iu vials. As I said it does cost a little more so that’s one drawback, but for me the bonuses outweigh that because I get the best potency. I don’t really have to worry about it going bad and that’s something really important to me. For anyone else who wants to do that I’m gonna show you how to mix it now and then I’ll also show you how to do your injection, so let’s get started.
One of the most important things is having some type of alcohol and pads or little alcohol wipes in order to sterilize your work surface. I already did it but I’m gonna do it again just to show you. The things that you’re gonna use today are bacteriostatic water, this is a 3 ml container that’s pretty much the sized they come in. You’re gonna need a 10ml sterile empty vial like this. You’re gonna need a mixing syringe to mix the hormone. They have different sizes, this one holds 3 ml which for our purposes will be plenty so 3 ml mixing syringe you’ll see on the end – oh wait- if you pull off the cap you can see about how long that needle is to fairly good length I think it’s about an inch or inch and a half. And of course you need the hormone, this brand is Lupi HCG High Purity, pretty much any pharmaceutical brand I’ve used 3 brands now, they’re fine. So what you wanna do is take out the hormone whatever form it came in, it might came in this little box and see how it’s a powder? See how it’s a little powder in there, sometimes it comes in like a powdered tablet but most of the time it will be a powder just like that. But if you’ll noticed it came with this other little vial here this is sodium chloride so we actually don’t need this were just gonna throw it away, so don’t throw away your the hormone but throw away this vial of liquid that it comes with. Snap off the cap of the hormone. We’re going to snap off the cap of the bacteriostatic water and your sterile empty vial however it’s designed. This has a little snap cap in the middle here. I’m gonna tear that off as well make sure to sterilize the tops of all this so I’m just gonna take my alcohol and rub the top of each of this areas real good.
So now what were gonna do is basically in this bottle what we wanna end up is all of the hormone, our 2000 iu powder hormone and 2 ml of bacteriostatic water. That’s gonna be the final solution in here. To do that though we first need to make our powdered hormone a liquid so that we could put it into our sterile vial. So to do that were gonna take the cap off our mixing syringe out 1 ml of bacteriostatic water. Now I wanna show you guys something. I’m gonna just take this out for a minute. When your pulling out liquid if you’ll notice sometimes there’s a little bubble, see that bubbles at the top? It just gonna has to do with the way that you pull it out if you do it more slowly and carefully you won’t get as much bubble. So ideally you don’t wanna have a big bubble at the top because then you’re not really getting 1ml of bacteriostatic water. If that happens you can just put it back in and try again. I would kind of wanna do that so you guys could see that so what I try to do is make sure I have it really good in there and you know if you just for some reason keep getting a little bubble it’s not really a big deal you can just add a teeny bit extra you know a little over 1ml to compensate. Let’s see what we got here, that looks good. We got 1 ml here of bacteriostatic water were gonna put that into our little tiny vial here of the hormone to turn it into a liquid. We just squeezed that out into there and so now if you’ll notice before my eyes it’s already almost all a liquid. See if there’s a few little things left in there, so all you do is swirl it around, don’t shake it, just swirl until it’s completely dissolve. Now we wanna do is we wanna just take this liquid back out and put it into our sterile empty vial, so were stick this back, our mixing syringe, back into the little vial of the hormone and this was really hard to do with the camera by the ways guys, doing it for you. And obviously when you pull it back out you wanna make sure that the tip of the needle is in the liquid so you’re gonna have to pull the needle out away gradually, specially to get it all out and you definitely wanna get all of the liquid out that’s not an option. I’m gonna now put that needle and put that into my empty vial here. So that how’s the hormone in it right now. So now that the hormone is out of this and were done with this. Now what we have right now is we have 2000iu of hormone in this bottle and 1 ml of bacteriostatic water. We wanna just add 1 more ml of bacteriostatic water to the mix and literally would be done that’s it. Again you can add the air to the bottle first if you want, I don’t always do it but it can make it easier to get the full amount out but it’s not always totally necessary- it’s up to you. Let’s see how were doing here. That looks good. So see without one more milliliter there’s a one of bacteriostatic water were gonna add that to our sterile empty vial that’s no longer empty it has the hormone in it were gonna put that 1 ml in all the way make sure you pressed it in good and literally guys that is it.
In Short- mix 2ml bacteriostatic water with 2000iu HCG Injections. The ratio is 1:1. Done. A lot more details in the video though. 🙂
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Yup, I want this!
What is the difference between Bacteriostatic water and Bacteriostatic water reconstitution solution???
Can I use the Bacteriostatic water reconstitution solution for mixing the hcg for the diet?
Yes, you can use that.
So after you have the 2ML of HCG. How much do you take when ready to inject?
Is it possible to just add the Bac water and leave the mixture in the same vial instead of transferring to another clean/empty vial? I ordered the kit from Diet Doc send it has 2 5,000iu hcg vials and 2 vials of Bac water; no empty vials.
Hi! Yes, that’s okay. You don’t have to do this if you get your hCG from DietDoc.
Where was the info on how to dose?
Hi Shawn!
Here’s the link: http://vocmwdmt.top/hcg-dosage-how-should-feel-on-the-hcg-diet-when-you-are-on-the-right-dose/
Hope that helps!
Hi Keisha!
This is Cristel, Rayzel’s assistant. Nice to meet you! 🙂
The red liquid has B12 added. Maybe you buy hCG mixed with Bac water only.
Hope that helps!