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- How sure do you want to be?
- Will You Lose Weight on Homeopathic hCG, Hormone Free Drops, and hCG Injections?
- Rayzel on Homeopathy
- Why I Believe in Using the 100% Real hCG Injection?
- Why I’m Not Really for Homeopathic hCG When I Believe in Homeopathy
- Why People Lose Lots of Weight with Homeopathic hCG? I have!
- But I Get the No-Hunger Effect with Homeopathic hCG
- Why Does Weight Loss Occur with Homeopathic hCG Drops and Hormone Free Drops?
- What Does the Real HCG Hormone Do?
- What About Hormone Free Drops?
- Will I Not Lose if I Do Homeopathic hCG?
- How to Look Into hCG Injections if You’re Open to the Possibility
- Testimonials of Other hCGers Re Injections vs Homeopathic Drops
If you have arrived here and wanted to know about prescription RX real hCG drops, I have a discussion on that here.
This is specifically about homeopathic drops and hormone free drops.
I have waited a very long time to publish this as a more public blogpost. In reality, you may have noticed I mostly skirt the issue entirely on my blog. I think it’s because I know many of you use and believe in homeopathic drops, and I really don’t like confrontation or arguments.
And even though I’m putting this out there, ultimately, I totally respect it’s your decision both to believe differently than me and to do differently than me.
If you read this and feel you disagree, no worries. I am still here to help you through your weight loss journey, and whether you do hCG homeopathic drops, hormone free “hcg” drops, or hCG injections, your best bet for stabilizing and maintaining your weight loss will still be the P3toLife program, because it’s the only program out there that strategically increases your calories in a pleasing way- which I have found to be the key to maintaining, regardless of the diet or method you use to lose the weight to begin with.
The final deciding factor for me is:
How sure do you want to be?
I figure I only have one body (count it, 1, uno), so I’m going to do what I can be positive of will produce the results I desire. I don’t have another body, nor the time, mental or emotional strength to risk screwing it up and re-doing it (not that I’ve never screwed up on hCG, but you know what I mean!)
You Will Likely Always Lose Weight on Both Homeopathic hCG, Hormone Free Drops, and hCG Injections
This is not an argument about whether or not you will lose weight with one or the other. You will lose weight with all kinds, and you may lose the same amount of weight. In fact, you may lose MORE weight with homeopathic hCG in some cases.
We will discuss why this doesn’t make it the right or equal choice when doing this diet in a bit.
I Believe in Homeopathy
I do believe in homeopathy itself. Some people think the homeopathic Ossillococcinum remedy is a scam, but I kid you not, frequently when my family and I are getting sick/get sick, we take that 3x a day and MAJOR symptoms disappear overnight. Like extreme fatigue and brain fog, poof! Gone. Note: If you get sick/start getting sick on hCG, give this remedy a try- it doesn’t work for any all sickness, but we have found it works a large percentage of the time.
We also had an experience when my son was a toddler with really bad eczema, and temporarily using the homeopathic remedy Ruus Tox brought about immediate and amazing clearing of his Eczema.
I’m all over and about naturopathic health and medicine. I’m so far outside the box that I believe in grounding with the earth to help your health. Bare feet on rocks and dirt sort of thing. Thus I sit in rivers just for this purpose.

I mention this so you know that I’m not biased against natural medicine or approaches to health. I’m totally for them and prefer them whenever possible. I haven’t taken an aspirin or advil in about 15 years.
That said, I would never use homeopathic hCG personally in my own body for weight loss efforts.
hCG Injections- Why I Believe in Using the 100% Real Hormone, Non-Homeopathic
The nice thing about hCG injections and the reason I personally stick with them is:
- As the actual hormone, I can be sure it’s doing what the hormone is supposed to do – spare lean muscle on such a low calorie diet when more muscle loss would seem to usually occur, and change sensation of hunger.
- All the hydrostatic and DEXA scan body fat testing that has been done on hCG dieters (that I’ve seen anyway) that shows a higher percentage of fat loss (and little muscle loss) has been on those using hCG injections. I have not seen bodyfat testing results before/after from anyone doing homeopathic drops yet to prove the same occurs.
- The above are important to maintaining/achieving a high enough metabolism after the diet so that you can eat plentifully while still maintaining.
Why I’m Not Really for Homeopathic hCG When I Believe in Homeopathy
To be honest, I don’t understand how the principles of how homeopathy is supposed to work, connects with how homeopathic hCG is being used. I think homeopathy is very complex and there’s probably no way to distill it down into 1 succinct phrase on what it does and I definitely know VERY little about it- but from my research, one of the main premises on how homeopathy works is “like cures like.”
This article explains homeopathy like this: “So what does “like cures like” mean? Hippocrates talked about it. It means that a patient suffering from symptoms can be treated and cured by doses of a substance (mineral, animal or plant) capable of producing similar symptoms in a healthy person.”
This article describes the remedies and how the principle of homeopathy works this way: “Its system is based on the law of similars, which states that elements or substances that, in large doses, can create illness can, in minute doses, stimulate the body’s nonspecific adaptive healing response.“
Read that above sentence again- and then ask yourself how homeopathic hCG fits into this picture. In large doses, hCG just means you’re pregnant, it’s not creating illness. And the homeopathic remedy that provokes a healing response is not a diluted form of what you have wrong with you. I don’t know- I just don’t get it I guess. Even if I could somehow make it connect logically in my mind, that still brings me to this next question:
Homeopathy works, but are there such things as homeopathic HORMONES in other applications in life?
If I look at the very very powerful things that hormones in particular accomplish, I do not find a homeopathic counterpart (or even an herbal supplement or vitamin) that can achieve the same thing:
I’d like you do something- try doing a google search for this: “Homeopathic birth control”
I kid you not, out of the probably billions of articles that have now been written for the internet, there is not a SINGLE reference to homeopathic birth control. All the results I got returned replaced homeopathic with “natural” for my search results, since there were no results for homeopathic birth control- because it doesn’t exist.
Homeopathic steroids – have we heard of this? I don’t think so. Bodybuilders use steroids – hormones – to make almost superhuman adjustments to their body’s muscle growth. I’m not saying this is something that should be done, I’m just using this as an example to show how powerful hormones are and that there isn’t really a counterpart for real hormones that can do the same thing.
Thyroid medication- this is one I can vouch for – as will many other ladies with a hypothyroid condition. How one feels with and without proper thyroid medication dosing is night and day. Thyroid hormones are…hormones – they can’t be replaced with anything else to achieve the same outcome, homeopathic or otherwise.
So while I believe in homeopathy, I guess what I’m saying is that, I don’t see a connection between homeopathy and the use of real hormones to achieve certain ends. It seems like when hormones are needed to accomplish something, you need that actual hormone. There is no substitute.
So that ultimately, for myself, I feel like to be sure I truly lose mostly fat and very little lean mass, and don’t wreak havoc on my metabolism, I want the real hormone in my system while on such an incredibly low calorie diet.
But People Lose Lots of Weight with Homeopathic hCG! I have!
Yes this is true. As I mentioned earlier, the weight loss will in most cases be the same on the outside. But the question is, what are the pounds you lost made up of? How much fat and how much muscle? That is the true question we need an answer on. I know this will always be one of the main arguments for homeopathic hCG. And it will never go away unless everyone started tracking their bodyfat percentage with reliable means before and after their rounds. This would either prove or disprove that homeopathic hCG is equal in it’s effects compared to injections. We just simply don’t know.
Whereas since I’ve done bodyfat testing before and after every single round of hCG I’ve done (5 total), with hydrostatic bodyfat testing and DEXA body composition testing, I’ve been able to see that with the injections, I lost very little lean mass on all but my first 1 round. And I have a theory on why extra lean mass will occur in pretty much all cases when you are heavier at the start of your weight loss journey.

For me, when I don’t know, and when there IS something I DO know for sure achieves the right effects, I will choose the method that I’m certain of- again, because I only have this one body.
It can be easy to think about short term things- but in reality we have to live with the long term. I’ve been maintaining my own weight loss from using hCG injections for over 6 years – since November 2012 when I completed my final round of hCG:

It’s the long term you want to think about. Maybe I would have maintained this long as easily with homeopathic or hormone free drops, but for myself personally, I think my safest best was using the real hormone injections.
But I Get the No-Hunger Effect with Homeopathic hCG
This is another one I hear a lot, and in this case, I have no answer. I totally believe you. The only thing I can say is that many a time, once a person does do a round with real hCG injections, they usually say it feels different to them – that the no hunger feeling they though they had wasn’t as no-hunger as the non-hunger effect they got from injections – when you lack comparison, it can be hard to know just what the feeling should be like. This is not what everyone says, but a goodly number.
Why Does Weight Loss Occur Then, if Homeopathic hCG Drops and Hormone Free Drops Aren’t Working?
One confusion that often arises, that I myself didn’t know at one time, is that the hCG hormone is not causing weight loss on the hCG Diet. It’s the 500 calorie diet (or 800 calorie) diet that you are following.
It’s the calorie deficit going in in your body on the diet that is actually causing the weight loss. So if you did this diet without any drop or injections or anything, you would in many cases lose plenty of weight as well.
What Does the Real HCG Hormone Do?
The roles that the hCG hormone play however are still very important – for one, as we discussed it creates a distinctly different feeling of non-hunger when on such a low calorie diet (as long as you have your dosage dialed in right!) – but it’s not just an appetite suppressant. My belief is that is also preserves lean muscle during such a diet as well – please see my post Don’t You Lose a Lot of Muscle on the hCG Diet for a discussion on this and my bodyfat testing results. To me, this is one of the main roles hCG plays and I’m just really not sure homeopathic hCG does the same thing. Lastly, I am not sure about this, it’s just a theory, but I wonder if hCG plays some sort of protective role on one’s metabolism while on such a low calorie diet as well, helping it to not slow down as much. If that were true, this would be huge for continuing to lose weight on multiple rounds and also stabilizing and maintaining as well.
Please keep in mind that some of this is just theories here, but after seeing so many people lose weight and my own experience, these 3 things are what I’m led to believe.
What About Hormone Free Drops?
Hormone free drops I feel even less positive about. Hormone free drops are basically just a mixture of amino acids. The idea is that they are the building blocks for hCG so they are thinking it would cause your own body to make hCG with those building blocks, but I do not buy this at all. Those amino acids are the buildling blocks for all sorts of things- if there’s no REASON for your body to make hCG (there has to be a reason that turns this on in your body – like your menstrual cycle, or getting pregnant), there’s no reason your body would take those ingredients and suddenly decide to start making hCG with it. Amino acids are like flour and sugar and butter- those ingredients could be used to be make an innumerable amount of things- they won’t just turn into a cake because the ingredients are there.
Are You Saying I’m Doomed if I Do Homeopathic hCG?
Not at all! I’m just saying that, with the lack of info we have right now in this area, my concern is that the fat loss results may be less, the muscle loss higher, and what this means then is that there may be a bit more work involved in getting to a point where you can easily maintain your weight loss and I’m not sure what effect not using the real hormone while on such a low calorie diet could have on your metabolism temporarily. You may need to be more careful transitioning back to normal calorie eating, and you may need to workout to add some muscle back (although I think this is a good idea either way personally!). But as I said, regardless of what type of hCG a person uses, when ladies utilize my structured P3tolife program, they do amazing! And I’m not saying any of this happens for certain – it’s just my concern based on what we discussed about how there are not suitable replacements for hormones in other applications that do the job effectively like the real hormone.
Many ladies use homeopathic hCG drops. I understand the draw because it’s much cheaper and it’s not scary like injections can seem on the surface (but please note I do have injection tutorials if you feel the slightest bit curious!)
Remember, ultimately this is completely your decision. Do not feel pressured by me to go any which way. I’m just presenting the evidence to you for why I personally would still choose to do hCG injections again if I had to do my journey all over. You can weigh the pros and cons and unique considerations for your own life and make a choice. Either way, there is a way to be successful I think.
How to Look Into hCG Injections if You’re Open to the Possibility
If you have been doing homeopathic hCG all along so far, or you are new and kinda had your heart set on easy, not scary, cheap homeopathic drops (I get it, with that of rundown, who wouldn’t want that!), but after this article feel like there might be a little pie-wedge of openness to at least considering the idea of doing hCG injections instead, here are the steps that will help you figure this out a bit more.
1. Watch a few of my hCG Injection tutorials – this may help set your mind at ease if that aspect of things was turning you off.
2. Get quality U.S. made hCG from a quality source – you can go to a weight loss clinic, or you can get it online – I have a few resources listed on my blog.
3. #1 Important thing once you start hCG: Dial in your hCG Dosage. I cannot reiterate enough how important this is! You can be absolutely starving on hCG if you are the wrong dosage for you.
What Other hCGers Said Re Injections vs Homeopathic Drops
Watch Casey’s Full Interview here
Watch Lisa’s Full Interview here
Watch Denise’s Full Interview here
Watch Heather’s Full Interview here
Watch Pamela’s Full Interview here
Watch Teresa’s Full Interview here
Watch Helen’s Full Interview here
Watch Lynette’s Full Interview here
Watch Patti’s Full Interview here
Watch Adele’s Full Interview here
Watch Denise’s Full Interview here
Watch Laurie’s Full Interview here
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Yup, I want this!
Having used body composition testing with many many patients using homeopathic Hcg I have documented fat loss. I require a weekly body composition analysis using bio impedance testing compared myself personally to the submerged and it’s dexa comparable. It does work