Update March 2018
The hardcopy on Amazon of the hCG Diet Workbook – you know – those REAL books that you get in the mail with professional binding?? Remember those?
Exactly 9,115 of you have purchased either the original comprehensive workbook, or the refill workbook on Amazon since it’s release in April 2015. It now has 337 Amazon reviews.
Update March 2016:
The hCG diet workbook has sold almost 4500 copies in the past year since it’s publish date in April 2015. I can’t believe it. It now has over 220 Amazon reviews. Many people have found it to be truly useful in their hCG weight loss journey, something that I’m SO honored to hear and be a part of helping make happen.
Before you is the front and back cover of the newly published hCG Diet Workbook guys! You can also check out my hCG workbook tutorial and my About-me-author-type-video here.
I’m going to take you INSIDE the workbook though today so you can visually see it and get a feel for what it’s all about and see if it’s up your alley.
And if you’re wondering why the cover suddenly looks different from the draft, well we had a showdown on Facebook and this one ended up being the winner. Oh yes and I trapped my parents and brother till like one in the morning on video skype to force ideas and feedback from them at gunpoint – oh wait, it’s skype, that wouldn’t be threatening. Nevermind, they were actually glad to help. Thanks fam and FB fans!
Many of you have already been expecting the book’s release and know you want it, so for you, you can find it below. The rest of you, read on because I have lots to show you!
Buy hCGChica’s hCG Diet Workbook
OH! and don’t forget that I have a special thank you gift for everyone who purchases the book between April 20th and May 20th – and it’s not a dirty sock. It’s actually something that I am hoping you will find very helpful in your weight loss journey; a 5 Day hCG Coaching Course. Check out the details of the thank you gift here.
Why Is an hCG Diet Workbook Better Than Ice Cream?
Well, now I don’t know if I’d go THAT far, but I’ve given up some things in life that I thought were good for something that I found was even better. Quarts and half-gallons of ice-cream made me happy in the past for 20-30 minutes at a time. Being fit and healthy all day every day makes me happy, well not 24/7 because that’s just not possible, but, well a LOT of the time.
This workbook may be the ticket to catapult you over whatever hump you’ve been facing with weight loss or hCG.
I began this as merely a few scribbled designs of tracking layouts in a notebook. It included drawings of features I knew would be useful on a person’s weight loss journey with the hCG protocol. I’d kept my own records during my rounds, but wanted something that would give the ability to track more than I did, and in a way that was easy to read and gauge progress and patterns. I also felt the need to share some of the things I’ve learned along my weight loss journey that were the main reasons for my ability to not get frustrated with my weight loss in general, which was important to the entire thing (all extra weight) ever getting fully accomplished.
Here’s a peak at the daily Phase 2 Tracking pages:
There are 9 weeks, yes 63 days worth, of this, each day with either a unique Quote or hCG Tip.
I wasn’t sure if this project was even worth pursuing originally as far as wondering how many people would actually want something like this, so I asked my facebook page about their thoughts on my idea. Boy I think the only other time I got so many comments on one status update were my before and after hCG photos! Even now, I have continued to get a lot of excited emails and messages about the workbook- mostly asking if it was done yet!
Sorry it took so long….but I think you’ll agree it was worth the wait once you delve into it with your bare hands. 🙂
Why A Workbook from hCGChica?
In case it matters to you, because many ask, I specifically used hCG injections for all my own weight loss, and have been maintaining my weight loss, from a size 16 to a current size 4, with no further hCG use for almost two and a half years now. What I share in the workbook are many of the main reasons I was able to achieve this, when previous attempts at dieting and maintaining failed.
Additionally, I am a very visual and detail oriented person so I spent quite a bit of time carefully laying out the tracking areas and diet instructions in a way that I hope will be visually easy to digest – which is important because this protocol can be a bit overwhelming when you are first learning about it. This is something I can’t actually do in a blogpost because the formatting doesn’t allow for it. I was able to go hogwild in the book with this!
Here’s an example – Overview of the hCG Diet
4 Main Features to the hCG Diet Workbook
- Coaching Discussions
- Diet Instructions both for Original Protocol and Modifications I feel comfortable mentioning (clearly differentiated in the book btw)
- Quick Glance Tracking for Phase 2 & 3.
- Daily Comprehensive Tracking for Phase 2
Examples of the Coaching Areas
Now if that awesome stick figure cartoon doesn’t make you want this workbook, I don’t know what will. 😉
Beginning of the Coaching Article on Stalls During hCG:
Yes, essentially in a nutshell the 60 page or so coaching section is telling us all to not be insane. Oh I know all about it, I was crazy-bones too once! But my effort here in the coaching section is to explain the logical reasonings that I came across during my weight loss journey and through my research not only about what’s realistic, but more importantly, WHY it’s realistic – I find that makes it easier to accept and feel positive about.
Let’s break up all this black and white with a brief color interlude of fun:
Flexible for Use with Multiple Ways of Approaching the hCG Diet
This is probably one of the most important things that you know. I designed this workbook to be flexible, because with the number of people doing the hCG diet, there are quite a variety of ways that people are approaching it now, and as I explain in the workbook, in the end, after you’ve done your research, you have the right as an adult to make your own choice about how you choose to do this diet which I fully respect.
The workbook accommodates the following:
- Both hCG injections or homeopathic drops
- Various lengths of time ON the diet – there are 9 full weeks of daily Phase 2 tracking
- Counting of calories, each meal and per day – so you could easily track 500 calories or 800 calories, or anything between.
- Breakfast fields, snack fields aside from regular Lunch/Dinner areas
- Modified food choices – some that I feel comfortable mentioning specifically, and blank fields for adding your own unique foods.
Above again is what the DAILY tracking area looks like, and…
below you have an example of the Quick Glance tracking areas:
More Quick Glance Tracking Stuff: Inch Loss
If you’ve seen enough and feel this post is getting too long, you can buy the hCG Workbook here:
Buy hCGChica’s hCG Diet Workbook
But wait, there’s more!
Trouble shooting Log:
Wait, what? I’m telling you you’re going to have trouble on hCG? Just stop it! Enough hCGChica!
Like I said, this is all about being REAL. Many things are not worth being concerned over, and yet there are some things worth addressing, so instead of burying our heads in a drawer full of goal jeans, we can troubleshoot the problems. I will make a video tutorial in the future on how I see this are being used.
The Table of Contents:
I hope this help you get a clearer picture of what the workbook has to offer. If you do end up trying it out, I’d love to hear your feedback through email [email protected] – let me know how its working out for ya!
Buy hCGChica’s hCG Diet Workbook
And don’t forget to claim the special thank you present that is NOT a dirty sock. When you email your receipt – it doesn’t have to be the actual physical receipt, it can just be a screenshot of your confirmation of your order, or whatever you have on hand like that to show your order.
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Yup, I want this!
Just ordered your book from Amazon but I see here your diet protein list includes Protein Shake?
Where do you get those?
I have lost very little weight in first 7 days despite everyone saying that is when u lose the most. I lost 20 # from 5’7.5 in, 177# in 5 weeks at age 58 on a modified 500-700 cal high protein very low fat 15 or less gm carb of green veg and no fruit Atkins diet but didn’t lose inches or abd fat and so decided to try HCG. obtained my HCG by prescription from an MD at a clinic who prescribed 200 iu per daily injection (although I read this is a high dose and he prescribes it for everyone saying Dr Simeon used 125-200) followed the protocol exactly. Gained 2.5 pounds from loading to 159.5 with first shot 7/22 and yesterday and today still at 154-
So Really only 3 pounds and no inches!
I am so frustrated. Before signing up for HCG the doctor told me I wasnt eating enough calories to burn body fat but this is ridiculous. Now I read people saying they only lost 15 pounds in 40 days maybe?
Please help. I feel like I wasted my money seeing all the comments everywhere about the big stalls AFTER their big first week weight loss.
do you sell the pdf version of the workbook? I’m from Malaysia and it’s no where to be found and I’m starting my diet in a few days time.
Please tell me you have and how I can get hold of it
Hi Jenny!
Sorry but it’s not available in pdf version.
What is your opinion on hcg drops(not homeopathic). Are they as effective and safe?
Hello Chica, I just sent out my pictures to you showing you I did purchase your workbook. I am hoping I am not too late for your free gifts? Thank you again for all you do? You are a Blessing to the HCG community!
I have been struggling keeping my weight off and am right back to whooping 166 pounds (from 135). I’m frustrated about the weight gain, so I eat more. I just don’t know what to do with this anymore. I do think I should get back on hcg because I am truly disgusted every time I look in the mirror. I can’t fit any clothes. …please help
Hey @Alexandra Bailey – I’m so sorry you are having a difficult time with this. What types of things have you tried so far with trying to maintain? Have you had a chance to look more deeply into other hormone imbalances ? My favorite site to recommend for this for research is stopthethyroidmadness.com .
Do you have the book that I can buy the online version? with printable , I live in Roatan and I just started the HGC Diet… i´m in day 3 of face 2.. I would like to have your book, but here in Honduras I can´t find it any where… could I buy it online but downloadable? not for Amazon or anything like that….
Hi @Ana R. Flores – nice to meet you! I have thought about doing this, the problem is the book is 272 pages, back to back, so if you were to print it out, it would be like 500 pages! I think that’s probably a bit much for anyone to find usable. I’m sorry! I am working on trying to find a way to make this more feasible but not sure yet at this time. – Rayzel
looking for info on 800 calories, where can I find it?
Hello, I could not see if my name was on the board or not. Kinda blurry. How will I know if I won a book? Thanks!!
Hi @Sandy – we emailed all the winners privately already, so if you didn’t hear from me, I’m sorry! I will do another giveaway in the future. 🙂 Hope that helps! Rayzel
I was very excited to see your workbook was available for purchase today! I start my first round of HCG this week so this couldn’t have come at a better time! I’ve been extensively reading your website and going through your informational videos the past week and everything has been so helpful! I’ve been really nervous about this program since everyone I know who has done it has gained all their weight back. But I am doing my first round through a clinic that offers weekly counseling for support and a six week maintenance program after the HCG protocol. I am hoping with that support and all of your great information that afterwards it will become a lifestyle.
You did it! I for one
am so excited for you. Thank you Rayzel
for your time and dedication to helping so many people. I cannot tell you how many times I needed
answers and motivation and always found it on HCGChica.