Short Version.
Hey guys! HCGchica. I wanted to do a shorter vlog talking about the HCG fat loss study that I’m gonna try to conduct. It’s a study because I’m not a scientist or anything but I feel like we’re gonna gather some important information so if you’re interested I’m gonna do a short vlog that you can watch which will be this one and then if you’re interested then you can watch the longer 19-minute vlog so bear with me cause I have some notes and I wanna read them so that I keep it short.
First of all I wanted to say that it is possible to lose a lot of muscle on the protocol and by that I mean my first round I lost 63% muscle of the weight that I lost. However I adjusted some things and this last round only 10% of the weight that I lost was muscle which means 90% of it was fat. Obviously that’s a big change and I do feel that it’s due to the changes I made.
The goal of this study that I’m asking you guys to participate in is to see what the different factors are that affect how much muscle lost there is versus fat lost and if this factors are controllable. And the reason is so that each one of us can get the best fat lost out of the diet. Because as I said earlier it is possible to lose a lot of muscle as I have done.
Obviously I think you guys know losing muscle over fat is really undesirable since it is happening to people who are being tested we need to figure out what the specific things are that can prevent that. I do have my theories regarding what can prevent that and what causes it but since I’ve only I experimented on myself I can’t necessarily know that that’s a real true thing. So I feel that by having more people tracking all the information that I do we might get just a better idea of some patterns.
Basically the reason that it’s important to know that you’re losing fat and not a bunch of muscle is for one it can affect your ability to keep your weight off later which is something we all are concerned about. Also it will affect your actual size you won’t get as small nearly as quickly because muscle only takes up I think a 3rd of the space that fat does. If you lost a pound of muscle you will only lose a 3rd space wise on your body of what someone who lost a pound of fat would be, so I hope that makes sense. That’s another reason it’s important. Also it can affect you in a way just by making you more unhealthy and that would not be a good thing also.
What do you get for being a part of the study? I want to at least offer something, it will be a free copy of my e-book when it’s completed. I am writing an e-book about making sure you lose fat on the protocol, factors that affect it and just how to track that which this study will be a part of that in the end. And the second thing is it’s not money or anything but it’s just knowledge of exactly what you are losing on the weight loss protocol, being aware of that and knowing how much fat you lost and how to make sure that you do lose fat. So you will definitely benefit personally as far as your body goes.
To be a part of the study, what you’ll be doing is tracking information on your next round of the protocol. And some of the main things that I’m gonna be having you track are your body fat percent which has to be done with a specific monitor that I have used because it’s the only one that I know of that actually is consistent and fairly accurate. A lot of other ones out there can be really, really inconsistent inaccurate so they’re really useless when it comes to gathering information. It’s a very specific body fat monitor that I’ll put a link to, it’s about $30 on the Amazon, and it’s handheld. That will be the 1st thing then from that you’ll be translating your body fat percent into the pounds of fat that you have every day. You’ll be tracking your ketones, your exercise if any like the amount of like how much you do and the type of exercise, you will be tracking your actual diet and any variations you make to the original protocol just day by day, this is gonna be done every day. Also your dose and the type of hormone that you’re taking. These are some of the main things. I have designed a little a sheet that you’ll be able to input all this information and I will definitely try to design it so that you can either input it on the computer or just write it up print it out and write it out by hand. I’m finishing that up right now.
Anyone can participate if you’re planning a round of the diet the only thing is if you want a free copy of the e-book later on. I just ask that you finish, be a part of the study to the completion which means at least one full round of the protocol and ideally it would also be nice to see how you stabilize as well. So we’ll really just try to gather information here on over a number of different people in order to come to some a little bit more concrete conclusions about how to lose the most fat on weight loss journey and what hampers that.
My email is in the description below, please email me if you’re interested and being a part of the study, I’m trying to keep all of correspondents in 1 place, in my email. That way later when I’m trying to access information or contact people I won’t have to go to multiple places to find it. My email is below it’s actually If you’re starting your round anytime in the next 4 – 5 months please let me know that you’re interested and when you’re approximately thinking of starting put your Facebook name and your YouTube name in the email so that I can know who you are. My Facebook name is Rayzel HCGchica. Rayzel is kinda my little alias name that I’m using so I’ll just be talking to you guys as Rayzel and anyway so let me know if you’re interested and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask. I just wanted to do a shorter vlog for those of you who might be interested or if you wanna past this vlog on to anyone else please do so because I really would like to get some people interested and I realize that not everyone can because of the cost of the body fay monitor and the ketone strips. I think total that might end up being around $40 for people to output. The body fat monitor will last for years. I’ve actually owned mine for 15 years now. It is really great investment however if you don’t have the money you obviously don’t, so I totally understand that. Unfortunately, if you wanna be a part of it you do have to have this monitor though just because I said it’s the only one I know at the moment that’s pretty consistent. Anyway that’s it. Thanks a lot. Talk to you soon.
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Yup, I want this!
Hi HCG Chica~
I wanted to take a second to thank you for all of the information that you share. I have poured over your vlogs and website! I plan to start the HCG protocol on the 21st of this month.
I do not eat meat but I do eat fish so I will need to substitute with some of the vegetarian choices.
What are your suggestions for loosing more fat than muscle? You said that you had some theories and I wondered what you did differently during your 2nd and 3rd rounds?
Thank you again so much. You have inspired me and been a wealth of information.
Hi Colleen! Thanks for your appreciative comment. I really appreciate it. That’s great that you’ll have fish as an option to eat while on the protocol. I think as long as you can find a way to eat the fish for your proteins, that would probably be really good. Dr. S mentions that the proteins as part of the diet are just enough to keep you above protein deficiency. It seems like a lot of the other vegetarian proteins could possibly have too many carbs? You I’m sure are much more knowledgeable about this than me. As far as the fat and muscle loss, I still don’t know if it was preventable or not, but if it was, some things I did that I no longer do on HCG is that I had some fats in the form of coconut oil almost daily my first HCG round. I am very careful to stay away from the oils and fats now. I don’t have 100% proof that caused excess muscle loss but I’m suspicious that it did. Also I drank diet coke round 1 (I know, very unhealthy)- thankfully I’ve been diet coke free for a year and half now! I hope this helps. It’s possible the muscle loss wasn’t preventable as a person when heavier naturally carries more muscle to manage the extra fat, and a slimmer body simple doesn’t need as much muscle. I hope this helps! Excited for you to start your round- you’ll do great I’m sure!